Mandatory assignment

The mandatory assignment is available under "Exercises" or here. It consists of 4 exercises, you must do 2 of them or Exercise 2. You can already do Exercise 1 and part of Exercise 4. Also, you can try to do Exercise 2 with the formulas from our last lecture or following Example 4.8.1 from the book. 

The assignment has to be handed in online by logging in Canvas here and clicking on "Assignments". The deadline is 16th of April at 14:30. Notice that after this time, it will not be possible to upload any files. Good luck!

We continue on Tuesday solving exercises from the list 2 and 3. If time permits, I will review the theory on formulae for reserves again.

Published Feb. 22, 2020 3:37 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2023 2:10 PM