12th lecture

Next digital lecture: Monday 29th of March, 12:15-15:00 in Zoom.

Update: I have updated the lecture notes. I have uploaded the digital blackboard from Monday in "digital lectures". NB: it is no longer in alphabetic order. I have uploaded the solutions of List 9. I have not uploaded any new list of exercises. Work on the existing ones and the exercises from the lecture notes.

Next lecture (12th): Unit-linked policies (policies that invest in risky assets like those we have seen in mathematical finance). The mathematical formulas and how to derive them and use them.

Homework: Read the lecture notes, Section 9, especially the first part: Section 9.1. If you want, you can start reading Section 9.2.

Published Mar. 24, 2021 7:41 AM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2021 9:23 AM