
Published June 9, 2016 10:58 AM

Here is a brief solution to the exam in STK4900/9900. The results will be ready at the latest June 27th, hopefully before. Ingrid

Published May 27, 2016 12:38 PM

All material covered by the lectures or as exercises (including the compulsory assignment) is part of the curriculum. Please see all lecture material under "Lectures" and all exercises under "Exercises" to the right of this page.

The exam is a 4 hours written exam. All printed and hand-written resources and approved calculator are allowed at the exam. See here for a list of approved calculators (Norwegian only).

I have added a solution of the exam from 2015 to the list here below.

Good luck with the preparations, and good luck with your exam! 

Published Apr. 15, 2016 2:25 PM

H?vard or Celine will be available to help you with the compulsory assignment

April 26th and 27th from 10-12. Take the lift up to the 8th floor of the mathematics building (Niels Henrik Abels hus) and take the door to the right when you come out of the lift.

Published Apr. 15, 2016 2:22 PM

Please have a look at

General guidelines for compulsory assignments at the Department of Mathematics 

Of special interest to those who live far away, is the possibility to send an envelope with address and stamp together with you assignment. Then you will receive it back by regular post afterwards. 

Please also read there about how you get to know if you have passed or not via Devilry.

Have a nice weekend!

Published Apr. 13, 2016 1:12 PM
Published Apr. 11, 2016 2:21 PM

From Tuesday April 12, the exercises will be shifted with 45 minutes in order to shorten your days:

Lectures 9.15-12.00 (as before)

Exercises 12.30-13.45 and 14.00-15.15

We hope this better for everyone! Same place as before.

Published Mar. 27, 2016 12:41 AM

The slides for part 2 are now available under ?Lectures?. See you again on Monday 11th of April! Remember the compulsory assignment to be handed in April 28th.

Published Feb. 29, 2016 3:55 PM

The student representatives have prepared a short questionnaire - Please use a few minutes to give useful feedback:

Thank you from Ingrid

Published Feb. 19, 2016 3:28 PM

The compulsory assignment is now available, see link to the right on the semester page. There was a possible problem with the web-link to the data sets earlier today, but now everything should work.

Thank you for an intense week! Have a good week end! Ingrid

Published Feb. 18, 2016 9:45 PM

We now have three student representatives:

Chloe (chloebs at

David (david.volgyes at

Sia (sigurbjorg.hjartardottir at

Please contact them for feedback on the course!

Published Feb. 14, 2016 2:16 PM

For examples and exercises we will use the statistics program R.

R can be downloaded to your computer free of charge on windows, mac and linux-platforms from

If you have problems installing R help might be given at computer exercises.

Published Feb. 10, 2016 8:54 AM

The book is available as e-book, and can be freely accessed and loaded down as a pdf file as long as you are on the UiO net

For this reason, it is not available for sale at Akademika, f.ex.


Published Feb. 3, 2016 1:24 AM

In a bit less than two weeks, we start the applied statistics course STK4900/9900. I have posted the slides that I will use the first week. I recommend to print them and bring them to the lecture, so that you can write notes on them.

Published Feb. 3, 2016 1:21 AM

There will be one compulsory assignment in this course. The task will be distributed the last day of the first week of the course, so that you can start to do the first part of the assignment immediately. The second part of the assignment is supposed to be done after the second week of the course, and the full assignment has to be handed in Thursday April the 28th before 14.30. The front page should be this one.

There will be a written final examination on June 7th (4 hours).

Published Jan. 5, 2016 10:36 AM

It is possible to learn a lot from the slides of the lectures, which are now available on this page. The recommended textbook is Vittinghof, E., Glidden, D., Shiboski,S.C. and McCullogh, C. (2005) or (2012), Regression methods in biostatistics, Springer. All references will be given to the 2012 edition of the book.

Published Jan. 5, 2016 10:29 AM


Welcome to STK4900/9900! The first intensive part of the course takes place in week 7, from 15th-19th of February. We will have lectures every day from 9.15-12.00, then there will be a lunch break, and we start with exercises 13.15-16.00. 

As a preparation to the first part of the course, the students are encouraged to recapitulate the main themes of Chapters 6, 7, 10 and 11 in the course book for STK1000; see here for details (or the similar material in another introductory book in statistics).