R-help to exercise 22



# Read the data into a dataframe, give names to the variables, and inspect the data:





# Make sure that the data are the same as given in the exercise.




# Questions 1 & 2)


# We first consider the model  E(Y) = n*exp{b0+b1*s+b2*a}, where

#      Y=number of cancer cases (=cancer),

#       n=number of person years (= pyr),

#       s=number of cigarettes smoked per day (=cig)

#       a = age in years (=age)

# We may write the model on the form  E(Y)= exp{1*log(n)+b0+b1*s+b2*a}.

# Note that  log(n)  appears as a sort of "covariate" where we know that the regression coefficient takes the value 1. This is called an OFFSET.


# We fit the model and look at the result::

cancerfit.1=glm(cancer~offset(log(pyr))+age+cig, data=cancerdata, family=poisson)



# Make sure that you understand what the output tells you!.

# Are there significant effects of age and the number of cigarettes smoked?


# It is common to report the results of a Poisson regression by means of the rate ratio RR = exp(beta)  with confidence limits.  

# To this end we may use the function expcoef from exercise 18.

# Use the function to compute rate ratios for age and number of cigarettes:



# Give an interpretation of what the table tells you about the effect of age and the number of cigarettes smoked






# We then look at a model with second order terms and interaction:

cancerfit.3=glm(cancer~offset(log(pyr))+ age+I(age^2)+cig+I(cig^2)+age:cig, data=cancerdata, family=poisson)


# Reduce the model by (step-wise) eliminating non-significant covariates.

# (Use Wald tests from the summary-command and/or deviances from the anova-command.)

# Discuss the interpretation of your "final model".





# Age and the number of cigarettes smoked are reported in intervals.

# We may alternatively consider these covariates as categorical.

# Such a model is fitted by the command:

cancerfit.a=glm(cancer~offset(log(pyr))+factor(age)+factor(cig), data=cancerdata, family=poisson)


# Give an interpretation of this model.

# Discuss how the model may be used to assess the fit of your "final model" from question 3.