#Exercise 10:  multiple linear regression


# The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Study (HERS) is a clinical trial of hormone therapy for prevention of recurrent heart attacks and death among post-menopausal women with existing coronary heart disease. The HERS data are used in many of the examples in Chapters 3 and 4 of the course text book byVittinghoff et al. In this exercise we will study how different variables may influence the glucose level in the blood for the non-diabetic women in the cohort, in particular we are interested to see if exercise may help to reduce the glucose level (cf. Section 4.1 in Vittinghoff et al.).


# You may read the HERS data into R and extract the women without diabetes by the commands,


hers.no=hers[hers$diabetes==0, ]



# We will start out by investigating (in questions a-c) how the glucose levels are for women who exercise at least three times a week (coded as exercise=1) and women who exercise less than three times a week (coded as exercise=0).


# a)

# Make a summary and boxplot of the glucose levels according to the level of exercise:





# Discuss what the summaries and boxplot tell you.



# b)

# Test if there is a difference in glucose level and make a confidence interval:

t.test(glucose~exercise, var.equal=T,data=hers.no)


# What may you conclude for the test and the confidence interval?



# c)

# Perform a simple linear regression with glucose level as outcome and exercise as predictor:




# Discuss how the result of the simple linear regression relates to those in question b.




# The women who exercise at least three times a week and the women who exercise less than three times a week may differ in many ways. For example they may be younger and have a lower BMI (body mass index). We will therefore perform a multiple linear regression analysis where we adjust for these to variables.


# d)

# Perform a simple linear regression with glucose level as outcome and exercise, age, and BMI as predictors:




# Discuss the result of this analysis in relation with the result in question c. Also discuss how age and BMI influence the glucose level.