Mandatory assignments - MAT 1300 - spring 2009

Practical, useful and important information about mandatory assignments

Regelverk for obligatoriske oppgaver / Rules regarding mandatory assignments

Sp?rsm?l og svar om obligatoriske oppgaver / Q&A about mandatory assignments (Norwegian)


There are two mandatory assignment in this course, both of which must be approved before you are allowed to take the final exam.

The deadline for the assignments can be found under Teaching - time and place

The assignments

Mandatory Assignment 1 (English version)

Obligatorisk Oppgavesett 1 (Norwegian translation)

Proposed Solutions 1 (English text only)

Mandatory Assignment 2 (English version)

Obligatorisk Oppgavesett 2 (Norwegian translation)

Proposed Solutions 2 (English text only)

Please use this front page/preface(Norwegian) / frontpage/preface(English) when submitting your assignments.

List of approved assignments

Log in with your regular username and password to see if your assignment is approved (will work from mid february).

Published Jan. 5, 2009 12:33 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:11 PM