1. This week I tended …

1. This week I tended to further general details pertaining to both Chs 2 and 3, including the Jeffreys prior, Bayes risk and minimum Bayes risk, minimax strategies, etc. We also did Exercises #1, 4, 9, 10 from Ch 2 and #3 plus half of 6 from Nils 2008.

2. Exercises for Sept 29: Do the streetcars of San Francisco with three data points, 203, 98, 259, and with your own (informative) prior. Find posterior mean, median, and a 95% credibility interval for the number of streetcars. Then do Nils 2008 Exercises #8, 9, 10. These are on the theoretical side of the spectrum, but we shall rather soon tend also to the more practical side, as soon as we're inside Ch 3.

3. Some R script codes and some further 2010 Exercises will sonn be finished and put up on the course website.

4. Matters pertaining to the exam process (ten-day home project plus written exam plus something extra for the PhD students, as per Faculty rules) will be discussed next week.

Published Sep. 24, 2010 2:01 AM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2010 11:04 PM