The term paper should be …

The term paper should be submitted through classfronter by 12:00 Friday the 24th of March.

To submit your paper:

  • Enter the folder "term paper delivery", under the "tutorial/undervisning"-folder
  • Choose "upload task" or "last opp oppgave"
  • Select the correct file and upload it
  • If you have further questions regarding classfronter, please contact me.

The folder named "term paper delivery" is a hand-in folder. This means that each student only may access his/her of own file. The term papers will not be anonymous when delivered in classfronter. According to "Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved UiO", anonymity should only be secured in written exams under supervision (school exams). However, it is normally also in the teacher's interest to grade anonymous papers. Therefore, we have decided that I will print the papers you have submitted and mark them with a candidate number before I present them to Terje. Terje has access to the "term paper delivery"-folder, and this arrangement, thus, is based on trust in him. Please put your name, and your name only, on the first page of the paper, and then make a front-page for the paper as the second page.

Once the results of the papers are ready, they will be posted at the Institute with candidate numbers. Those of you who would like to know your candidate number to check the posted list may contact me.

Good luck, and please contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards Knut Tore Stokke

executive officer

k.t.stokke (at)

Published Mar. 15, 2006 1:25 PM - Last modified Apr. 7, 2006 2:35 PM