Procedures: master thesis, oral examination, and total grade

The student hands in the thesis before one of the official deadlines (May 15/November 15). If the official deadline falls on a day that is not a workday, the deadline will be on the first preceding workday. The specific official deadline is the reference point for the other dates given below.

General format requirements

You should write with a line spacing of 1.5 and use font size 12. The cover of your thesis should contain the following information:

  • Title of your thesis
  • Your name, the name of your supervisor (and co-supervisors)
  • Name of the Institute, University etc.:  University of Oslo, The Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Management and Health Economics
  • The following text: “Thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management”
  • Month and year for submission

Before the introduction, the thesis should contain a table of content, acknowledgements (including source of financing), and an abstract. The abstract should include a restatement of the title, project description, background, aim, methods, conclusion and any list of publications from the project. The abstract should be minimum a half page, maximum one page.

We also recommend you to use templates when writing your thesis.


Prior to submission:

1. Make sure that you are registered for the course HMM4501 - Master thesis in StudentWeb the semester you are due to submit.

2. Make sure you have completed all other courses (or will complete all other courses) in the same semester as you are planning on submitting your thesis. If you are missing a course you will not be able to submit.

3. Please inform your supervisor and the student advisor minimum three weeks ahead when you are planning to submit your thesis. This will ensure enough time to organise your oral examination.



The deadline for handing in the master thesis in the autumn term is 15th of November at 15:00h. In the spring term it is 15th of May at 15:00h. If the date is not a working day, the deadline will be on the first preceding working day.

1. All students must submit their master thesis through StudentWeb. Please note that in order to submit you must log on to StudentWeb with your username and password, not your pin code. 

2. Submit your assignment in the digital examination system Inspera. Read about how to submit assignments in Inspera.

3. Send a copy of email confirmation of submission via studentweb to your student adviser.

4. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that they are able to submit within the deadline. You thus need to take into consideration any technical errors that can occur, which may delay you.

* As a student in the programme, you are entitled to receive 2 free printed copies of your thesis for your own purpose. Ask the student adviser on the codes you need to order the printing at Reprosentralen.

After submission:

The oral examination will usually be held 4-5 weeks after the official deadline. The department of Health Management and Health Economics will contact you as soon as the date of the oral exam has been decided.

1. The thesis will be reviewed by two examiners, at least one external. If the supervisor is a member of the faculty, the supervisor will usually be an internal examiner. The examiners write an evaluation of the thesis and make a decision on the grade, normally within 3-4 weeks after the official deadline.

2. When the thesis is graded failed (F) the student is informed about the decision and provided with the examiners’ evaluation of the thesis.

3. When the thesis is graded as passed (A, B, C, D, or E) the date for the oral exam is set. The student does not receive information about the thesis evaluation or grade until after the oral exam.

a) The oral exam is public and consists of two parts. In the first part, the student use about 15 minutes to present his/her thesis (research question, conclusions, methods, et cetera). In the second part, which lasts for about 30 minutes, the examiners can ask questions and discuss the thesis with the student. An external examiner will take the leading role in the second part.

b) The oral examination may adjust the thesis grade.

4. The student may appeal against an awarded grade on the master’s thesis. The deadline for appeal is 3 weeks after the result is available for the student. When a complaint is filed, two new examiners are appointed, at least one external. The new examiners will make an independent review of the thesis. The examiners will write an evaluation of the thesis and make a decision on the grade.

a) If the thesis is graded as passed by the new examiners, a date for a new oral exam is set. The proceedings for the oral exam will follow the outline in point 3 above.

b) If the thesis is graded as failed, there will be no oral exam.

c) The decision by the new examiners is final.

Re-submission of a revised thesis

A thesis can be revised and re-submitted only if the previous version was graded as failed. A thesis can only be revised and resubmitted once. The deadline for re-submission is the next official deadline for submission (either November 15 or May 15 depending on the time of the student’s first submission). The proceedings will correspond to the points 1-4 above. The revised thesis will normally be reviewed by the two examiners that first evaluated the original thesis.

Published May 25, 2020 11:31 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2020 10:40 AM