
IMB9335  December 4-8, 2017

  9.30-10.00:   Registration
10.00-11.00:   Introduction to the course and basic concepts
11.00-12.00:   Statistical methods for one and more samples: Kaplan-Meier and
                       Nelson-Aalen estimators, log-rank type tests
12.00-13.00:   Lunch
13.00-14.00:   Statistical methods for one and more samples, continued
14.00-14.30:   Introduction to R
14.30-16.00:   Practical exercises on statistical methods for one and more samples

  9.00-11.00:   Competing risks and multistate models
11.00-12.30:   Practical exercises on competing risks and multistate models
12.30-13.30:   Lunch
13.30-15.00:   Cox regression
15.00-16.00:   Practical exercises on Cox regression            

  9.00-10.00:   Cox regression, continued
10.00-11.00:   Practical exercises Cox regression

11.00-12.00:   Cox regression with high dimensional covariates
12.00-13.00:   Lunch
13.00-14.30:   Cox regression with high dimensional covariates, continued  
14.30-16.00:   Practical exercises for high dimensional covariates


  9.00-10.00:   Analysis of nested case-control and case-cohort data
10.00-11.00:   Practical exercises for nested case-control and case-cohort data
11.00-12.30:   Unobserved heterogeneity in survival analysis
12.30-13.30:   Lunch
13.30-15.00:   Frailty models for recurrent events and clustered data
15.00-16.00:   Practical exercises recurrent events and clustered data

  9.00-10.30:   Additive hazards regression
10.30-11.30:   Practical exercises for additive regression
11.30-12.30:   Lunch
12.30-14.30:   Causality and causal inference for survival data
14.30-15.00:   Closure of the course and information on the exam Project

Published Nov. 17, 2017 3:05 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2017 3:06 PM