Reviewing your exam paper and the assessment guidelines

Once the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The review can take place on either 06.02 or 13.02.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Time: Between 09:00-11:30 or 12:30-15:00
Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and closes at 2pm one day in advance. Have your candidate number ready as it is required for registration.
Sign up for day 1 – Sign up for day 2
You may only attend one of the days above.
You can take notes with a view to a possible appeal, but copying or photographing the material is not permitted. Because of this you will not be permitted to bring your mobile phone to the review room. You will be asked to hand it in before you enter the room.
If you have questions please contact MED Student Information.


Published Jan. 31, 2019 11:14 AM