Syllabus/achievement requirements


Textbooks on Anatomy The textbooks should be used in correlation with an anatomical atlas. They can be the ones used earlier in your studies.

Dahl, Rinvik: Menneskets funksjonelle anatomi, Cappelen. A concise book in Norwegian. Focuses on the main aspects of anatomy. Must be used with an atlas.

Moore: Moore: Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Williams & Wilkins., Williams & Wilkins.

Good book, with instructive illustrations, which can also provide as an atlas. Many well chosen clinical examples that bring life to Anatomy.

Macro Anatomy, Atlas

Netter: Atlas of Human Anatomy, CIBA-GEIGY.

Many good illustrations, often brilliant schematic outlines. Also available in German, with Latin nomenclature.

Urban & Schwarzenberg Sobotta: Atlas of Human Anatomy, A classic, this atlas is comprehensive and reliable. Must use with Latin nomenclature!.

Micro Anatomy (Histology)

Geneser: Histologi , Mungsgaard. Thorough, a good textbook, quite comprehensive.

Wheather, Burkitt, Daniels: Functional Histology, Ballière Tindall. Brief and with good, basic drawings.

Child Psychiatry/Psychiatry

Books from Child Psychiatry/Psychiatry from previous semesters can be of use.

Graham, P. Turk J Verhulst, F.C.: Child Psychiatry A Developmental Approach, 1999. Oxford University Press. considers the psychiatric aspects of children with physical illness.


Rang, Dale. Ritter & Moore: Pharmacology, 2003. Churchill Livingstone. 5th edition.

Exceptionally good textbook with the primary emphasis on basic Pharmacology, but also adequate coverage of clinical questions. Also has some Toxicology.

Katzung: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 2001. Appleton & Lange. 8th edition.

Good systematic book, well updated, frequent new editions. Has both basic and clinical pharmacology and some toxicology. Relatively large textbook

Page, Curtis, Sutter Walker & Hoffmann: Integrated Pharmacology. , 2002. Mosby. 2nd edition.

This book represents a new way of approaching pharmacology with the coverage of medications correlated to short but poignant presentations of diseases. The book gives a relatively good impression, but the pharmacology section can be too brief at times

Hardman, Limbird & Gilman: Goodman & Gilman’s the Pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 2001. McGraw-Hill. 10th edition.

A brilliant book, but is too long to use as a textbook for the exam. Have it as a reference book if you wish to go further in depth. Covers both Basic Pharmacology/Biology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy as well as Toxicology


Most of the Pharmacology textbooks have chapters on Toxicology. In addition, there will be material handed out during instruction. If you are especially interested:

Arbold Busck. Schou: Toksikologi, Nytt Nordisk Forlag.

Jacobsen, Kjeldsen & Wickstr?m: Akutte forgiftninger, Universitetsforlaget.

A good book (in pocketbook format), focuses on the practical side of poisons/intoxicants and their treatment

Klaassen: Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: the basic sciences of Poisons. , 2001. MacGraw-Hill. 6th edition. Good, but large. For those who are especially interested..

Clinical Pharmacology

Norsk legemiddelh?ndbok. , Last edition 2001.

This book is a compendium that covers all medicines that are available on the market in Norway. It is organized by therapeutic field and discusses treatment principals. It is sent (free) to all doctors and students. A useful supplement to a general textbook in Pharmacology. New edition: Spring 2001. Also on internet:

Grahame-Smith & Aronson: Oxford Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 2002. Oxford. 3rd edition.

Exceptionally good textbook that covers general principals, treatment of various disease categories as well as separate overviews of all categories of medications

Other Information Materials

Den svenske Socialstyrelsens komitée f?r l?kemedelsinformation (Swedish Committee for Information on Medicine) gives out information brochures about important groups of medications and answers essential questions on therapy. The brochures are also distributed among Norwegian doctors, pharmacies etc. via Norsk Medisinaldepot. They are also available for students

Information Brochures

Inexpensive, short "newspapers"; can be of value for doctors and medical students:

British Consumers Ass., Dept. D/TB, Caxton Hill, Herthford SG13 /LZ, : Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin. , 26 issues each year..

The Medical Letter Inc., 56 Harrison Street, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801: The Medical Letter. , 26 issues each year..


Davis, Blakely & Kidd: Human Physiology, 2001. Engelsk. Meget god. Passe stor.

Berne & Levy: Principles of Physiology, 2000. Amerkansk. Meget god. Passe stor. .

Haug, Sand & Sjaatad: Menneskets fysiologi, 2001, 2001. Norsk. God. Litt for liten.

Guyton: Textbook of Medical Physiology , 2000. Amerikansk. God. Stor..

Lingappa/Farey: Physiological Medicine. A clinical Approach to Basic Medical Physiology , 2000. Amerikansk. Ujevn. Stor.

Sherwood: Human Physiology, 2001. God, men for liten for de fleste..

Vander, Sherman & Luciano: Human Physiology , 2000. Amerikansk. God, men for liten for de fleste.

Brodal: Sentralnervesystemet , 2001. Norsk. Meget god. Relativt Stor.

Purves: Neuroscience , 2001. Amerikansk. Meget god. Relativt stor..

Kandel/Schwartz/Jessell: Prinsiples of Neural Science , 2000. Amerikansk. Meget god. Meget stor.


Marks, Marks & Smith: : Basic Medical Biochemistry; A Clinical Approach, 1996.

Champe & Harvey: Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews of Biochemistry, 1994.


As a main textbook we prefer the same book we recommended in the 2nd semester

Muor, RF & Young ID: Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics , 1995. Churchill Livingstone. The publisher no longer has copies of this book, and therefore some students do not have it..

As a substitute we recommend:

Gelehrter, T.D., Collins F.S. and Ginsburg, D.: : Principles of Medical Genetics; , 1998. Williams & Wilkins. 2nd edition.

Harper P.S: Practical Genetic Counseling, 1998. Butterworth-HeineMonn Ltd. 5th edition.

A practically oriented book on genetic counseling that the students will enjoy

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Norwegian textbooks:

Bergsj?, P et al.: : Gynekologi, 1997. Universitetsforlaget.

Bergsj?, P et al.: Obstetrikk , 1997. Universitetsforlaget.

Combined revised edition wil be published in year 2004

Gudrim,Juvkan: Gynekology i almenpraksis, 1999. Universitetsforlaget.

Swedish textbooks

Brody S. Forlag: Obstetrik och Gynekologi, 1995. Almqvist & Wiksell Medicin, .

Gottlieb C. Von Schoultz B. : ?ppenv?rds gynekologi. , 1995. Almqvist & Wiksell Medicin, Lieber.

Marsál K. Grennert L.: Obstetrisk ?ppenv?rd. , 1998. Lieber.

Danish textbooks:

Falck-Larsen J. et al.: Obstetrik. , Munksgaard.

British textbooks:

Stuart Campbell and Ash Monga: Gynecology by ten teachers, 2002. Arnold . 17th edition. .

exellent textbook which covers the need within gynecology the medical students. Easy to read, highly recomended!

Stuart Campbell and Christooph Lees: : Obstestrics by ten teachers, 2000. Arnold . 17th edition..

An exellent textbook which covers the need within obstetrics for the medical students. Easy to read,highly recomended

Symonds M. And Symonds I: Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2000. Churchill Livingstone.

Brief and well illustrated texbook which is readable and gives the most important information for the students

Nelson-Piercy, C.: Handbook of Obstetric Medicine., 2002. London:Martin Dunitz Ltd,. 2 nd.edn .

Very good and popular book because of its usefulness as a clinical guide to medical conditions in pregnancy

Magowan, B.: Churchills Pocketbook of Obstetrics & Gynecology , 1997. Churchill Livingstone.

Australian textbooks:

Llewelyn-Jones: : Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1999. A good textbook which covers the need within gynecology and obstetrics for the medical students..

Illustrated textbooks

Danakas and Pietrantoni: Practical Guide to the Care of the Gynecologic/Obstetric Patient.,

Net-address -Online Journal library Medicine Clinical knowledge Base -Online Medical journals Textbooks,and Phisician Reference Articles

Clinical Biochemistry and Physiology

The textbooks for CBP (KBF) have good tables of contents and indexes so that it is easy to find the information you need

Stokke: Klinisk biokjemi og fysiologi, 2000. Gyldendahl Akademisk. 389 p..

Supplementary literature

Fernlund, Fex, Hansson, Stenflo & Lund: Laurells klinisk kjemi i praktisk medisin. Student literature, 1991. Lund. 832 p..

A well written book in clinical chemistry for students with a special interest in this area. It has more information than one has use for in general practice. Is mostly clinically oriented and can be a valuable supplement to the literature for internal medicine

Marshall: Illustrated Textbook of Clinical Chemistry , 1995. Mosby. London. 3rd edition. 320 p..

A good, brief textbook in clinical biochemistry which has many clinical examples

Whitby, Smith, Beckett and Walker: Lecture Notes on Clinical Biochemistry, 1993. Blackwell, Oxford, . 438 p. A decent, brief textbook in clinical biochemistry..

Rootwelt: Nukle?rmedisin. , 1995. Universitetsforlaget. Or Radiofarmaka I: Norsk legemiddelh?ndbok.

Brewis: Lecture Notes on Respiratory Disease. Blackwell, 1991. 4th edition, Good textbook both in respiratory physiology and pulmonary medicine.

Evensen, Stavem & Brinch: Blodsykdommer, 1993. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo . Most relevant for internal medicine section, but some of the material on leukocytes/ leukemia and iron/anemia is useful here.

Greenstein: Endocrinology at a Glance, 1994.


The following textbooks are recommended as basis literature in Pathological Anatomy for studies from the second semester and throughout the rest of the studies (also compendiums)

Kumar, Cottran & Robbins: Basic Pathology, 1997. Saunders. 6th edition. 775 p..

This textbook in general and special Pathology covers and describes the main themes so thoroughly that the students can use it throughout their medical studies. The main focus is understanding the causality and development of different diseases. Many clinical examples, updated and good illustrations. The form is brief

Cotran, Kumar, Collins: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 19999. Saunders. 5th edition, 1425 p.

This is an expansion of Basic Pathology by some of the same authors and is similarly structured, yet more detailed and more oriented toward clinical medicine. This book is highly recommended and will be useful to you in your career. It is easy to read and is well organized as a reference book

Rubin & Farber: Pathology, 1999. Lippincott-Raven. 3rd edition, 1664 p.

Can be compared to Pathologic Basis of Disease. Has numerous good illustrations, is updated and useful after university

Rubin & Farber: Essential Pathology, 2000. 3rd edition, approx. 850 p. Alternative to Basic Pathology..

The following books are recommended but not mandatory for Gross og Microscopic Pathology:

Macroscopic Pathology

Brian Stuart: R.A. Cooke and Colour Atlas of Anatomical Pathology. , 1995. Churchill Livingstone . 2nd edition, 261 p.

Microscopic Pathology:

C. Milikowsky and Irwin Berman: Colour Atlas of Basic Histopathology, 1997. Appleton and Lange. 1st edition, 615 p.

Ivan Damjanov: Histopathology, A Colour Atlas and Textbook. , 1996. Williams and Wilkins. 500 p..

H.G. Burkitt, A. Stecens, J.S. Love, B. Young: Weaters Basic Histopathology, 1996. Churchill Livingstone. 3rd edition. 288 p. A colour atlas and text.

Skullerud, K. M?hlen, J., Torvik, A.: Kompendium i neuropatologi for medisinske studenter,


There is a large selection, of books and the following books are the recommended

Tom Lissauer og Graham Clayden: Illustrated textbook of Pediatrics , 1997. Mosby.

A brief and well illustrated textbook (approx. 300 pages) that is readable and gives the most important information that the student needs. Should be combined with:

Martin Seip og Per H. Finne: Propedeutisk pediatri, This covers some of the information specific to child health care services in Norway.

Robinson and Roberton: Practical Paediatrics, 1998. Churchill Livingstone.

A comprehensive textbook (800 p) with a problem based approach, and there are clinical examples and self assessment section. Recommended for students with a special interest in Pediatrics

"Oski's Essential Pediatrics", 1997. Lippincott/Raven. This is a short version of the large textbook.

Oski's Pediatrics: "Principles and Practice",

This compendium contains more information than Lissauer and Clayden`s book, but is easy to read and has informative illustrations

Nelson: Essentials of Pediatrics , 2002. W.B. Saunders Company. This is a short version. 900 p.

Nelson: "Textbook of Pediatrics", 2000. V.B. Saunders & Co. 17th edition.This has been "the book" for pediatricians for many years. .

Recommended Web sites:

Published May 23, 2003 11:41 AM - Last modified Oct. 2, 2003 1:23 AM