Messages - Page 2

Published Aug. 18, 2014 9:45 AM

Dear exchange-students,

To get your ID-card you must first get the form for this ID-card.

You can get the form from Britt L?ken at room B1.3099 at Rikshospitalet.                 

Best regards,

Eldbj?rg Wessel Hansen


Institute of Clinical Medicine


Phone:+47 23 07 08 67



Published Aug. 15, 2014 4:50 PM

Welcome to the 9th semester, Autumn 2014


You will find the PBL-Groups under the session:"Semester introduction", August 18th 2014, 08:30-09:15.

You will also find the clinical rotation in both Pediatrics and Gynecology under the same session.

Best regards,

Eldbj?rg Wessel Hansen


Institute of Clinical Medicine


Phone:+47 23 07 08 67



Published Aug. 8, 2014 10:42 AM

Grunnet eksamensforberedelser vil d?rene til gangen til lesesalene i 1. etasje i Domus Medica l?ses fra kl. 13 den 12. august. D?rene vil ?pnes igjen kl. 8 morgenen etterp?. Dette betyr at man ikke vil kunne komme inn i bokskapene p? omr?det eller lesesalene B og C i dette tidsrommet.

13. august vil lesesal B, C og E v?re stengt for eksamen.

Beklager ulempene dette medf?rer.

- Studieseksjonen