Examination and Evaluation

End of semester evaluation

For time and place see: /studier/emner/medisin/med/MEDSEM9/v05/eksamen/

Each semester is evaluated every second year (9th semester: every group) by means of a questionnaire the students complete at the end of the semester. The questionnaire contains general questions about the course and specific questions about the semester. The aim of the evaluation is to uncover the semesters weak and strong points, in order to implement changes (if necessary) and improve the quality of training. Time is set aside for the students to evaluate the semester.

A half-semester evaluation will be performed at semesterweek 11 at the PBL-representative meeting.

Examination rules, legitimate reasons for absence

The rules and laws concerning examination procedure at The University of Oslo for the degree cand.med. according to the curriculum of 1996 § 11, says:"Students who do not have a legitimate reason for being absent from an examination are not allowed to attend the re-sit examination, and will be transferred to the following class."The following reasons qualify for a re-sit examination:

a) The student falls ill prior to the examination (this must be confirmed by a written letter from a doctor)

b) The student falls ill during the examination (the students must immediately contact the Student Health Service at Blindern)

c) Students who have not passed the previous examination

d) Other important reasons: for example, death in the immediate family

See Rules and regulations for medical students. (Norwegian)

Written examination (for all students)

The written exam is on Friday, week 19, from 09:00 - 14:00. The five hour written examination is focused on relevant clinical problems, testing the student's knowledge in clinical areas and basic/paraclinical subjects.

Oral examination (for selection of students)

The oral exams will take place on the Wednesday of week 20, in the following areas:

  • Twelve students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in macroscopic anatomy and histology. The examination will be at Anatomisk institutt, lasting approximately 30 min for each student. Histological and macroscopic specimens will be used during the examination, focusing on anatomy, embryology/development and physiology of the genitalia (genital system).

  • Twelve students will be randomly selected for a clinical examination in Paediatrics; four students at Ullev?l, four students at Rikshospitalet, and four students at Ahus.

  • Twelve students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in Obstetrics, including a clinical examination of a pregnant woman; four students at Ullev?l, four students at Rikshospitalet, and four students at Ahus.

  • Twelve students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in Pathology (Gynaecology or Paediatrics). The examination will be in Kurssalen, eight students at Rikshospitalet, and four students at Ahus lasting approximately 30 min per student.

The Faculty has decided that students selected for the oral examination will be notified the day before the examination.

Published Apr. 15, 2005 1:04 PM - Last modified May 6, 2005 5:17 PM