Examination and Evaluation

Written examination (for all students)

The written exam is on Friday, week 19, from 09:00 - 14:00. The five hour written examination is focused on relevant clinical problems, testing the student`s knowledge in clinical areas and basic/paraclinical subjects.

Oral examination (for groups of students)

The oral exams will take place on Wednesday, week 20, in the following areas:

Eight students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in basal medical subjects. The examination will be at Anatomisk institutt, lasting approximately 30 min for each student. Histological and macroscopical specimens will be used during the examination, with a focus on the anatomy, embryology/development and physiology of the genitalia (genital system).

Eight students will be randomly selected for a clinical examination in Pediatrics; four students at Ullev?l, and four students at Rikshospitalet.

Eight students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in Obstetrics, including a clinical examination of a pregnant woman; four students at Ullev?l, and four students at Rikshospitalet.

Eight students will be randomly selected for an oral examination in Pathology (Gynecology or Pediatrics). The examination will be in Kurssalen, Rikshospitalet, lasting approximately 30 min per student.

It has been decided that the students selected for oral examination will be notified the day before the examination regarding the area to be tested.

Examination Rules

The Student Handbook (Studieh?ndboka) details the rules and laws concerning examination procedure at The University of Oslo for the degree cand. med. according to the curriculum of 1996 § 11: "Students who do not have a legitimate reason for being absent from an examination are not allowed to attend the postponed examination, and will be transferred to the following class.

The following reasons qualify for a postponed test:

  • a) The student falls ill prior to the regular examination (this must be confirmed by a written statement from a doctor).
  • b) The student falls ill during the regular examination. (The student must immediately go to a doctor at Helsetjenesten, Blindern)
  • c) Students who have not passed the regular examination.
  • d) Other important reasons: for example, death in the immediate family


There will be time set aside for the students to evaluate the semester.

A meeting between the PBL student representatives and the semester comittee is scheduled in semester week 5 and 15. A questionnaire will be handed out after each PBL assessment. Both students and tutors/advisors fill these in.

All students fill in a two page questionnaire at the end of the semester.

Published June 9, 2004 12:47 PM - Last modified June 9, 2004 12:52 PM