
Published June 5, 2024 11:25 AM
  • MF9010E will be given digitally in Zoom autumn 2024.
  • Students should install Zoom before the course starts.
  • Documentation on how to install and use Zoom can be found here: Zoom helps and guides
  • Participants can check audio and video in Zoom's test room here: Zoom test room
Published June 5, 2024 11:13 AM

1. Supervisors should attend the first day of Intro I every fifth years. If more than 5 years have passed since a supervisor last attended, he or she should attend day 1 again.

2. Supervisors should attend from 8:30 to 13:45. Attendance will be registered.

3. Supervisors can sign up here: Registration supervisors autumn 2024.

4. Please note: Candidate and supervisor do not necessarily have to attend the course on the same date.

5. Supervisors' attendance is not required for the candidate to pass intro I.

Published June 5, 2024 11:12 AM

1. Attendance is mandatory the first day of the course. It is required to pass Intro I.

2. Attendance will be registered.

3. Please note that the course starts at 8:30 the first day (as opposed to 9:00 on the other course days).

4. If you are not able to attend the first day, notify us at and you will be signed up for day 1 at a later course.

5. Attendance requirements after day one: Course participants have to be present in at least 80% of course sessions in order to be allowed to take the exam.