Teaching plan

Teaching facilities:

Lecture rooms and PC rooms are in Domus Medica (DM) or in the neighbouring Domus Odontologica (DO)

Statistics program:

Note that the course is based on the program package Stata, see http://www.stata.com/


Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics

Hein Stigum, senior researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Harald Weedon-Fekj?r, researcher, Department of Public Health and General Practice, NTNU, and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO

Bjarte Aagnes, Advisor (Data manager), Cancer Registry of Norway.

Odd O. Aalen, professor, Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO (Course leader).

Monday, October 22:

08.30-09.00: Registration (outside Lille Auditorium, DM)

09.00-09.15: Introduction. (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

09.15-12.00: Introduction to survival analysis. (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

12.00-12.45: Lunch break

12.45-15.45: Introduction to Stata. (Stigum) - GA01 0183 PC-stue uetg. DM

Tuesday, October 23:

08.30-09.00: Survival analysis in Stata (Aagnes) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

09.00-09.30: Survival analysis in Stata cont. (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

09.45-10.45: Exercises in Stata (Aagnes, Aalen) - GA01 0183 PC-stue uetg. DM

11.00-12.00: Introduction to rates and incidence, with illustrations from cancer (Weedon-Fekjaer) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

12.00-13.00: Lunch break

13.00-14.15: Rates and incidence cont. (Weedon-Fekjaer) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

14.30-15.30: Exercises in Stata: Analysis of incidence rates (Weedon-Fekjaer)- GA01 0183 PC-stue uetg. DM

15.35-15.55: Discussion of exercises. (Weedon-Fekjaer) - GA01 2031 Lille auditorium, DM

Wednesday, October 24:

08.30-09.30: Analysis of proportions from follow-up and case-control studies. (Moger ) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

09.45-10.30: Exercises in Stata (Moger ) - GA01 0183 PC-stue, DM

10.45-11.30: Logistic regression (Moger) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

11.30-12.30: Lunch break

12.30-13.15: Logistic regression cont. (Moger) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

13.30-14.30: Exercises in Stata (Moger) - GA02 A1.1022 Datarom, DO

14.40-15.00: Discussion of exercises. (Moger) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

15.00-15.45: Logistic regression cont. (Moger) - GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO

Thursday, October 25:

08.30-09.30: Exercises in Stata (Moger) - GA01 0183 PC-stue uetg. DM

09.45-10.00: Discussion of exercises. (Moger) - GA02 A1.1001 Seminarrom, DO

10.15-12.00: Cox regression (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

12.00-13.00: Lunch break

13.00-13.50: Exercises in Stata (Aagnes, Aalen) - GA01 0183 PC-stue uetg. DM

14.00-14.30: Discussion of exercises (Aalen, Aagnes) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

14.30-15.30: Advanced methods in survival and event history analysis. (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

15.30-15.45: Overview of themes on the course. Closure. (Aalen) - GA02 A1.1001 auditorium, DO

Course exam:

A take home exam will be handed out at the end of the course. This should be solved at home and then returned within a specified deadline.

Published Aug. 7, 2012 4:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2012 2:32 PM