

The course takes place in Domus Medica (DM), Sognsvannsveien 9 at the University of Oslo.



Jon Michael Gran, Associate Professor, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital (course leader).

Tron Anders Moger, Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo.

Hein Stigum, Professor, University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Harald Weedon-Fekj?r, Researcher, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Oslo University Hospital.



Monday, October 23

Location: Auditorium 13, Domus Medica

08.30-08.45:   Registration

08.45-09.00:   Welcome (Gran)

09.00-12.00:   Introduction to Stata (Stigum)

12.00-12.45:   Lunch break

12.45-14.00:   Analysis of proportions (Moger)

14.15-15.15:   Exercises in Stata (Moger), PC-room 2 et Domus Medica

15.15-15.30:   Discussion of exercises (Moger)


Tuesday, October 24

Location: Lille Auditorium, Domus Medica

08.30-10.15:   Logistic regression (Moger)

10.30-11.30:   Exercises in Stata (Moger), PC-room 2 et Domus Medica

10.30-12.00:   Discussion of exercises (Moger)

12.00-12.45:   Lunch break

12.45-13.30:   Logistic regression continued (Moger)

13.45-14.45:   Exercises in Stata (Moger), PC-room 2 et Domus Medica

15.00-15.30:   Discussion of exercises. (Moger)


Wednesday, October 25

Location: Lille Auditorium, Domus Medica

08.30-10.15:   Rates, incidence and poisson regression (Weedon-Fekjaer)

10.25-11.25:   Exercises in Stata (Weedon-Fekjaer), PC-room 2 et Domus Medica

11.35-12.15:   Discussion of exercises. (Weedon-Fekjaer)

12.15-13.00:   Lunch break

13.00-16.00:   Introduction to survival analysis (Gran)


Thursday, October 26

Location: Lille Auditorium, Domus Medica

08.30-09.30:   Exercises in Stata (Gran), PC-room 2 et Domus Medica                  

09.45-10.15:   Discussion of exercises (Gran)

10.30-12.00:   Cox regression (Gran)

12.00-12.45:   Lunch break

12.45-14.00:   Exercises in Stata (Gran), PC-room A1.1022, Domus Odontologica

14.00-14.15:   Discussion of exercises (Gran)

14.30-15.30:   Further issues in survival and event history analysis (Gran)

15.45-16.00:   Closure (Gran)


Course exam:                  

A take home exam will be available on Fronter at the end of the course. This should be done at home and then returned within a specified deadline.

Published June 28, 2017 11:09 AM - Last modified June 28, 2017 11:09 AM