Syllabus/achievement requirements

@ = article available online

Family and the welfare state

@Duvander,A.-Z. et al. (2010) Family policy and fertility: fathers’ and mothers’ use of parental leave and continued childbearing in Norway and Sweden, Journal of European Social Policy 20(1): 45-57 (12 p.) Full text

@Ellings?ter, A.L. & Gulbrandsen, L. (2007) Closing the child care gap: The interaction of childcare supply and mothers’ agency in Norway. Journal of Social Policy 36(4): 649-669 (21 p.) Full text

Ellings?ter, A.L. and A. Leira (eds) (2006) Politicising parenthood in Scandinavia. Gender relations in welfare states. Bristol: Policy Press, chapters 1-4,6, 9, 12 (161 p).

@Eydal, G. B. & Rostgaard, T. (2011) Gender Equality Revisited – Changes in Nordic Childcare Policies in the 2000s. Social Policy & Administration 45(2): 161-179. (18 p). Full text

@Fraser, N. (1994) After the Family Wage: Gender Equality and the Welfare State. Political Theory 22: 591-618 (28 p.) Full text

@Haas, L. & Rostgaard, T. (2011) Fathers’ right to parental leave in the Nordic countries: consequences for the gendered division of leave. Community, Work & Family 14(2): 177-195 (19 p.). Full text

@Hegewisch, A. & Gornick, J. C. (2011) The impact of work-family policy on employment: a review of research from OECD countries. Community, Work & Family 14(2): 119-135 (17 p.) Full text

@Hook, J. L. (2010) Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework 1965-2003. American Journal of Sociology 115(5): 1480-1523 (44 p.). Full text

@McDonald, P. (2000) Gender equity, social institutions and the future of fertility. Journal of Population Research 17(1): 1-16 (16 s). Full text

@Thevenon, O. & Gauthier, A. H. (2011) Family policies in developed countries: a ‘fertility-booster’ with side effects. Community, Work & Family 14(2): 197-216 (20 p). Full text

356 p.

Family forms and practices: change and diversity

@Crompton, R. (2006) Class and family. The Sociological Review 54(4): 658-677 (20 p.). Full text

@Jensen, A.-M. & Clausen, S.-E. (2003) Children and family dissolution in Norway. The impact of Consensual Unions. Childhood 10(1): 65–81 (16 p.). Full text

@Kitter?d, R. H. (2002) Mother’s housework and childcare: Growing Similarities or Stable Inequalities? Acta Sociologica 45(2): 127-149. (22 p.) Full text

@Kitter?d, R. H. & Pettersen, S. (2006): Making up for mothers’ employed working hours? Housework and childcare among Norwegian fathers. Work, Employment and Society 20(3):473-492 (19 p). Full text

@Levin, Irene (2004) Living Apart Together: A New Family Form. Current Sociology 52(2): 223–240. (17 p.) Full text

@Mastekaasa, A, & Birkelund, G. E. (2011) The equality effect of wives earnings on inequalities in earnings among households. European Societies 13(2): 219-238 (20 p.) Full text

@Noack, T. (2001) Cohabitation in Norway - An increasingly common, and gradually accepted way of living, Int. J. of Law, Policy and the Family 15(1): 102-117 (15 p.) Full text

@Noack, T. et al (2005) A demographic analysis of registered partnerships (same-sex unions): The case of Norway", European Journal of Population 21(1): 89-109 (21 p.). Full text

@O'Brien, M., Brandth, B & Kvande, E. (2007) Fathers, work and family life. Community, Work and Family, 10(4): 375-386 (11 p.) Full text

@Plantin, Lars (2007): Different classes, different fathers? Community, Work & Family, 10:1, 93-110. (17 p.) Full text

@Skevik, A. (2006) “Absent fathers” or “reorganized families”? Variations in father-child contact after parental break-up in Norway. The Sociological Review 54(1): 114–132 (18 p.) Full text

@Syltevik, L. J. (2010) Sense and sensibility: cohabitation in ?cohabitation land?. The Sociological Review 58(3):444-462. (18p.) Full text

214 p.

Families and personal relationships

Jamieson, L. (1998) Intimacy. Personal Relationships in Modern Societies. Polity Press, chapter 1-3, 6-7, p.1-74, 136-202 (141 p.)

@Magnusson, E. (2008): The Retoric of Inequality: Nordic Women and Men Argue against Sharing House-work. NORA 16 (2): 79-95 (16s.) Full text

@Roseneil, S. & Budgeon, S. (2004) Cultures of Intimacy and Care Beyond “the Family”: Personal Life and Social Change in the Early 21st Century”. Current Sociology 52 (2):135-159 (25 p.). Full text

@ Usdansky, M. L (2011)The Gender-Equality Paradox: Class and Incongruity Between Work-Family Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Family Theory & Review 3 pp.163–178 (15 p). Full text

@Widerberg, K. (2010) In the Homes of Others: Exploring New Sites and Methods When investigating the Doings of Gender, Class and Ethnicity. Sociology 44(6): 1181-1196.(15 p). Full text

@Wiik, K.A. et al. (2009) A study of commitment and relationship quality in Sweden and Norway, Journal of Marriage and Family 71(3): 465-477. (12p) Full text

@Aarseth, H. (2007) Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context. NORA 15(2): 133 – 143. (10p.) Full text

239 p.

TOTAL: 809 p. ?

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Published Nov. 22, 2011 8:44 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2011 2:48 PM