Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = article in compendium

@ = article available online

Introduction (115 p.)

Chambers, D. (2012) A Sociology of Family Life: Change and Diversity in Intimate Relations. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Pp. 1-93 (93 p.).

*Lappeg?rd, T. (2014) Chapter 2: Changing European Families. In The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families (pp. 20-42), J. Treas, J. Scott & M. Richards (Ed.) (22 p.).

2. The Gender Revolution (32 p.)

@Goldscheider, F., E. Bernhardt & T. Lappeg?rd (2015) The Gender Revolution: Theoretical Framework for Understanding New Family-Demographic Behavior. Population and Development Review 41(2): 207-239 (32 p.).

3. Family policies (78 p.)

@Duvander, A.-Z. & A.-L. Ellings?ter (2016) Cash for childcare schemes in the Nordic welfare states: diverse paths, diverse outcomes. European Societies 18(1): 70-90. (21 p).

@Ellings?ter, A.L., Kitter?d, R.H. & Lyngstad, J. (2016) Universalising Childcare, Changing Mothers’ Attitudes: Policy Feedback in Norway. Journal of Social Policy, online first. (25 p.)

@Eydal, G.B. et al. (2015) Trends in parental leave in the Nordic countries: has the forward march of gender equality halted? Community, Work & Family 18(2): 167-181 (15 p.).

@Duvander, A.-Z. (2014) How long should the parental leave be? Attitudes to gender equality, family, and work as determinants of women’s and men’s parental leave in Sweden, Journal of Family Issues 35(7): 909–926 (17 p.).

4. Partnerships (77p.)

@Lappeg?rd, T. & Noack, T. (2015) The link between parenthood and partnership in contemporary Norway – Findings from focus group research. Demographic Research (16 p.)

@Syltevik, L.J (2014): Cohabitation from illegal to institutionalized practice: the case of Norway 1972-2010. The History of the Family (16 p.)

@Andersson, G., T. Noack, A. Seierstad, H. Weedon-Fekjaer (2006) The demographics of same-sex marriages in Norway and Sweden. Demography 43:79-98 (19 p.).

@Perelli-Harris, B., W. Sigle-Rushton, M. Kreyenfeld, T. Lappeg?rd, R. Keizer & C. Berghammer. 2010. The educational gradient of childbearing within cohabitation in Europe. Population and Development Review 36(4):775-801 (26 p.).

5. Fertility (91 p.)

@Ellings?ter, A.L. & E. Pedersen (2015) Institutional trust: Family policy and fertility in Norway, Social Politics,doi: 10.1093/sp/jxv003, p. 1-23 (23 p.). 2

@Thevenon, O. & Gauthier, A. H. (2011) Family policies in developed countries: a ‘fertility-booster’ with side effects. Community, Work & Family 14(2): 197-216 (20 p).

@Dommermuth, L., B. Hohmann-Mariott & T. Lappeg?rd. 2017. Gender Equality in the Family and Childbearing. Journal of Family Issues 38(13): 1803-1824 (21 p.).

@Neyer, G., T. Lappeg?rd & D. Vignoli. 2013. Gender equality and fertility: Which equality matters?. European Journal of Population 29(3):245-272 (27 p.).

6. Gender and paid work (109 p.)

@Ellings?ter, A.L. (2013) Scandinavian welfare states and gender (de)segregation – trends and processes. Economic and Industrial Democracy 34(3): 501-518 (18 p.)

@Keck, W. & Saraceno, C. (2013) The impact of different social-policy frameworks on social inequalities among women in the EU: the labour market participation of mothers. Social Politics 20(3): 297-328 (32 p.).

@Kitter?d, R. H and R?nsen, M (2012) Non-traditional dual earners in Norway: when does she work at least as much as he? Work, Employment and Society 26(4) 657–675. (18 p)

@R?nsen, M. & H. Kitter?d (2015) Gender-Equalizing Family Policies and Mothers' Entry into Paid Work: Recent Evidence From Norway. Feminist Economics 21(1): 59-89 (21 p).

@Mastekaasa, A, & Birkelund, G. E. (2011) The equality effect of wives earnings on inequalities in earnings among households. European Societies 13(2): 219-238 (20 p.)

7.  Gender and unpaid work (128p.)

@Kitter?d, R. H. and R?nsen, M (2017) Does Involved Fathering Produce a Larger Total Workload for Fathers Than for Mothers? Evidence from Norway Family Relations 66: 468–483 (15 p.).

@Farstad, G.R. & K. Stefansen (2015) Involved fatherhood in the Nordic context: dominant narratives, divergent approaches, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 10:1, 55-70 (15 p.).

@Bach, A. S. & H. Aarseth (2016) Adaptation, equality, and fairness. Towards a sociological understanding of ‘the supportive husband’, NORMA, 11:3, 174-189 (15 p.).

@Brandth, B. & E. Kvande (2018) Masculinity and Fathering Alone during Parental Leave, Men and Masculinities 21(1): 72-90 (18 p.).

@Evertsson, Marie. 2014. Gender ideology and the sharing of housework and childcare in Sweden, Journal of Family Issues 35(7): 927–949 (22 p.).

@Barstad, Anders. 2014. Equality is bliss? Relationship quality and the gender division of household labor, Journal of Family Issues 35(7): 972–992 (20 p.).

@Ruppanner, Leah, Eva Bernhardt, Maria Brandén (2017). Division of housework and his and her view of housework fairness: A typology of Swedish couples. Demographic Research, 36, 501-524 (23 p.). 

8. Family dissolution (86 p.)

@Skevik, A. (2006) “Absent fathers” or “reorganized families”? Variations in father-child contact after parental break-up in Norway. The Sociological Review 54(1): 114–132 (18 p.)

@Wiik, K. Aa, Seierstad, A. & Noack, T. (2014) Divorce in Norwegian Same-Sex Marriages and Registered Partnerships: The Role of Children. Journal of Marriage and Family 76:919-929 (21p.).

@Wiik, K.A. et al. (2009) A study of commitment and relationship quality in Sweden and Norway, Journal of Marriage and Family 71(3): 465-477 (13 p.)

*H?rk?nen, J. (2014) Divorce: Trends, patterns, causes, consequences. Pp. 303-322 in Treas, J. K., Scott, J. & Richard, M. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons (19 p.).

@Kitter?d, R. H. & Wiik, K. Aa (2017). Shared residence among parents living apart. FAMILY COURT REVIEW 55(4): 556–571 (15 p.).

9. Families and inequalities (79 p.)

@Usdansky, M. L (2011) The Gender-Equality Paradox: Class and Incongruity Between Work-Family Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Family Theory & Review 3 pp.163–178 (16 p).

@McLanahan, S. & Percheski, C. (2008) Family structure and the reproduction of inequalities. Annual Review of Sociology 34: 257-276 (19 p.).

@Kalmijn, M. (1998) Intermarriage and homogamy: Causes, patterns, trends. Annual Review of Sociology 24: 395-421 (26 p.).

@Van Bavel, J. & Klesment, M. (2017) Educational Pairings, Motherhood, and Women’s Relative Earnings in Europe, Demography, 54(6). 2331-2349 (18 p.).

Total: 813 p.

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Published Nov. 21, 2019 1:03 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2019 8:15 AM