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Ulikhet som makrofenomen

@ Alderson, A. S. og Fran?ois Nielsen, F. (2002) Globalization and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality Trends in 16 OECD Countries. American Journal of Sociology, 107: 1244-1299. 56 sider Fulltekst

@ Barth, E. og Moene, K. (2008) Likhet og ?penhet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 11(1): 5?16. 12 sider. Fulltekst

@ Lee, Cheol-Sung, Young-Bum Kim og Jae-Mahn Shim (2011) “The Limit of Equality Projects: Public-Sector Expansion, Sectoral Conflicts, and Income Inequality in Postindustrial Economies.” American Sociological Review, 76: 100-124. 25 sider. Fulltekst

@ Lemieux, T. (2008) The Changing Nature of Wage Inequality. Journal of Population Economics, 21: 21–48. 28 sider Fulltekst

Klasse og status

@ Ball S. J., Davies J., David M. og Reay D. (2002) 'Classification' and 'Judgement': Social Class and the 'Cognitive Structures' of Choice of Higher Education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23: 51-72. 22 sider Fulltekst

* Bj?rklund, T., M.J?ntti, og G.Solon. (2008) “Influences of Nature and Nurture on Earnings Variation: A Report on a Study of Various Sibling Types in Sweden.” (pp. 145-164) i Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, & Melissa Osborne Groves (eds.) Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success. Princeton University Press. 20 sider.

@ Breen, R. og Luijkx, R. (2004) “Social Mobility in Europe between 1970 and 2000.” I: R. Breen (red.) Social Mobility in Europe (s. 37-75). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 39 sider. Fulltekst

* Breen, R. og Luijkx, R. (2004) “Conclusions.” I R. Breen (red.) Social Mobility in Europe (s. 383-410). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 27 sider.

@ Chan, T. W og J. H. Goldthorpe (2007) "Class and Status: The Conceptual Distinction and its Empirical Relevance". American Sociological Review, 72 (4): 512–532. 21 sider Fulltekst

@ Chan, T.W. et al. (2010) ”Social Status in Norway.” European Sociological Review, 27: 451-468. 28 sider. Fulltekst

@ de Graaf, P. M. og Kalmijn, M. (2001) Trends in the Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural and Economic Status. Acta Sociologica, 44: 51-66. 16 sider Fulltekst

@ Hansen, M. N. (2008) Rational Action Theory and Educational Attainment. Changes in the Impact of Economic Resources. European Sociological Review, 24: 1-17. 17 sider Fulltekst

@ Mastekaasa, A. (2009) "Social origins and labour market success – stability and change over Norwegian birth cohorts 1950–1969". European Sociological Review . 15 sider. Fulltekst

@ Savage, M., Bagnall, G. og Longhurst, B. (2001) Ordinary, Ambivalent and Defensive: Class Identities in the Northwest of England. Sociology, 35: 875-892. 18 sider Fulltekst


@ Baxter, J. og Wright, E. O. (2000a) The Glass Ceiling Hypothesis. A Comparative Study of the United States, Sweden, and Australia. Gender & Society, 14: 275-294. 20 sider Fulltekst

@ Baxter, J. og Wright, E. O. (2000b) The Glass Ceiling Hypothesis. A Reply to Critics. Gender & Society, 14: 814-821. 8 sider Fulltekst

@ Britton, D. M. og Williams, C. L. (2000) Response to Baxter and Wright. Gender & Society, 14: 804-808. 5 sider Fulltekst

*Charles, M. og Grusky, D. B. (2004) The Four Puzzles of Sex Segregation.I: Charles & Grusky (red.) Occupational Ghettos (kap. 1). Stanford: Stanford University Press. 35 sider.

@ Ferree, M. og Purkayastha, B. (2000) Equality and Cumulative Disadvantage. Response to Baxter and Wright. Gender & Society, 14: 809-813. 5 sider Fulltekst

@ Mastekaasa, A. og G. E. Birkelund (2011). ”The Equalizing Effect of Wives’ Earnings on inequalities in earnings among households. Exploring patterns and mechanisms, Norway 1974-2004.” European Societies, in print 2011. 30 sider. Fulltekst

*Reskin, B. (2002) Rethinking Employment Discrimination and Its Remedies. I: Guillén, M. F., Collins, R., England, P. og Meyer, M. (red.) The New Economic Sociology. Developments in an Emerging Field (s. 218-244). New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 27 sider.


@ Boado, Héctor Cebolla (2007) “Immigrant Concentration in Schools: Peer Pressures in Place?” European Sociological Review, 23: 341-356. 16 sider. Fulltekst

* Fangen, K. og F. Mohn (2010) “Norway: The Pitfalls of Egalitarianism.” I: Fangen, Katrine; Ferdinand Mohn og Kirsten Synn?ve Fossan (2010). Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Immigrants: Barriers and Bridges. London: Ashgate. Side 139-174. Ca 35 sider.

@ Heath, A. F., Rothon, C. og Kilpi, E. (2008) The Second Generation in Western Europe: Education, Unemployment, and Occupational Attainment. Annual Review of Sociology, 34: 211–35. 25 sider Fulltekst

* Parsons, C.A. og T. Smeeding (2006): "What's unique about migration in Europe?" I Craig og Smeeding (red).: Immigration and the Transformation of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 29 sider.

@ Petersen, T., Saporta, I., og Seidel, M. D. L. (2000) Offering a Job: Meritocracy and Social Networks. American Journal of Sociology, 106: 763–816. 54 sider Fulltekst

@ Portes, A., Fernandez-Kelly, P. og Haller, W. (2005) Segmented Assimilation on the Ground: The New Second Generation in Early Adulthood. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28: 1000-1040. 41 sider. Fulltekst

Sosiale mekanismer

@ DiPrete, T.A. and G. M. Eirich (2006). “Cumulative Advantage as a Mechanism for Inequality: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Developments.” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 32: 271-297. 27 sider Fulltekst

Granovetter, Mark (1995, 2.edition) Getting a Job. A Study of Contacts and Careers. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 250 sider.

@ Ridgeway, C. et al. (2009) "How Easily Does a Social Difference Become a Status Distinction? Gender Matters". American Sociological Review, 74: 44-62. 19 sider. Fulltekst

* Stovel, K. og C. Fountain (2010). “Matching.” I: P. Hedstr?m og P. Bearman (red.) The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. Oxford University Press, pp. 365-390. 25 sider.

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Published Oct. 11, 2011 4:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2011 4:01 PM