Semester page for ECON2951 - Autumn 2017



This course uses the learning platform Fronter.

Log into Fronter

Explanation of grade

If you ask for an explanation of your grade, this will be sent to the examiner January 2. You can expect a reply within two weeks after that date.


If you appeal against your grade, your appeal will be sent together with any other students who appeal their grade. We send the appeals after the deadlines to appeal have passed.

  • If you did not ask for an explanation of your grade the deadline is 3 weeks after the grade was published.
  • If you asked for an explanation of your grade the deadline is 3 weeks after you receive your explanation.

Appeals against grades are normally processed within a month after the deadline has passed.

Questions? Contact SV-info.

Dec. 22, 2017 2:15 PM

You can find your grade in Studentweb.

Dec. 20, 2017 2:31 PM

Its very important that you take a look at the following before the take home exam begins:

1) Is your username and password ok for logging into Inspera?

2) On the course website you can find information under "Submit assignments in Inspera". Read about how to submit your home exam in ECON2951.

3) You will submit your exam paper by uploading it in Inspera. Please check out the demo test in Inspera called "Demo - file upload".

4) You can just upload one file, but you can upload/replace it several times. For example if you want to replace it with a new and improved version. The version you upload last before the deadline will be the paper you submit. Your paper is automatically submitted when the deadline expires.    

If you have questions before or dur...

Nov. 22, 2017 3:47 PM

