Re your termpapers -- the …

Re your termpapers -- the disappointingly few who (have yet) submitted:

Problem 113

  • OK, this was a mistake. A leftover line from last year, which I didn't mean to include. Have assessed that one too.
  • Both taking El both side, and calculating dy/dx and the elasticity from that, would be OK.

Problem 1

  • You are falling short when it comes to existence! All you need is to point out that the set is closed and bounded (and nonempty), and that f is continuous. This ==> existence of both max and min, by the extreme value theorem.
  • Some of you attempted Kuhn--Tucker for the minimization. Then you need to adapt a theory presented for max. But it isn't necessary to go that advanced. See the solution.

Problem 2

  • Did you remember to check for constant solution? There is none, so I haven't commented on it. Just remember to check.
  • 2c can be done without solving the differential equation!

Problem 3 and Problem 4

  • No common comments. See your individual ones.

Autumn 2011 no.4

– Nils

Published Oct. 25, 2012 12:35 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:23 PM