Hand-in #4 uploaded yesterday, notes updated, linear algebra "quizzes" - and schedule updated.

  • Hand-in #4 set is available.
    • Again: if you need it approved to get your three hand-ins, see the instructions in Canvas.
    • If you don't: the same set will be handed out (on paper) on the mock exam on Thursday.
  • For those on Monday's and Wednesday's seminars: see my bugfix on the last seminar problem.
  • Lecture notes from last week available.
    • I have not had any requests to re-do the Thursday lecture (due to it being announced late).
  • I put some linear algebra quizzes in Canvas. However, the slides part of the lecture notes include more examples than we covered.
  • Videos: Tuomas put up more.
  • And, if you want linear algebra videos, there are many to be found on YouTube. For example this one by channel The Organic Chemistry Tutor: https://youtu.be/KgziWUPXkhc
    I picked this because - click the "more" in the description! - it is indexed by contents (disclaimer: I have not watched the full two hours).
    We are not yet at Cramér's rule, but we have covered the last hour on equation systems. Matrix inversion like last Thursday is last.
    It seems this video covers most of what we will be doing in linear algebra, except a few notes:
    • We will have a formula for the inverse.
    • You will see more letters in the equations and matrices. And larger matrices than 3x3.
    • At a glance, I didn't find addressed one common exam question: given an equation system that depends on a parameter, for what values does it have 0/1/several solutions?
    • Notation sometimes differs. And at 2:01:55, he does something that is perfectly OK, but which I did not cover in the algorithm; as I said, the algorithm might not always be the shortest and smartest, its greatest feature is that it always works.
  • Schedule updated. The schedule had one seminar too many, and now we know which one to delete:
    • No seminar October 25th / 28th / 30th.
    • The workshop October 25th is still on, but there is no workshop November 1st. (Likely you have better use for a workshop one week before deadline than a few hours before.)

See you on Wednesday!

- Nils

Published Oct. 19, 2019 10:52 PM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2019 10:55 PM