Next lecture, uploads and more

First, on the mock exam: I've had a very brief glance at the handful that has been submitted already, and to comfort you a little bit:

  • It is perfectly normal to be pressed on time at this stage of the course. You have a full month to speed up.

I am curious on how many will "submit early" (i.e. by today or maybe tomorrow). Attendance today was about like last time I organized a voluntary exam. That semester I was disappointed (more with the very low number who actually submitted, than with the turnout - hopefully more will actually submit early this time!), but now, many of you have a term paper in another course AND have (hopefully) gotten quite a lot of feedback already from hand-ins 1 to 3. Given that you have likely a tighter time budget and likely less payoff, I am actually more surprised that so many raised their hand last week, than how "few" did this week.


Next lecture I consider booking an auditorium with larger chalkboard. But then we need to change building. Stay tuned.

  • An updated version of lecture slides (previous & next) is posted in the folder.
    Next lecture, we will need a lot of cofactors. Have a look at the matrix atop slide 26 (also at slide 17, and a more general case of the Cramér example slide 35), I'm gonna spend a lot of time on that one.
  • Lecture schedule updated to reflect reality. 

More uploads:

  • For the hand-in: the mock exam set (which had minor clarifications compared to Friday's problem set, in particular to 4(d)) is uploaded to Canvas.
  • Videos: Tuomas has made a linear algebra video. And, by popular demand, the YouTube links I earlier posted in messages, are found in Canvas too.
  • Most recent seminar: solution note posted in Canvas.
  • And the lecture note slides; this time, slides only!
Published Oct. 24, 2019 2:29 PM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2019 2:29 PM