Q: what about a lecture Thursday in a week to make time for a mock exam? & Updates.

So I realize that there is only one lecture next week, and that Thursday 24th is a possible time for the mock exam. Should have discussed with you, this. Suggestion:

  • IF there is mock exam the 24th, then lecture 17th?
  • If anyone misses that lecture slot due to this short notice ... we'll find a way with my office hours?

Uploaded & updated today:

  • This week's lecture notes
  • Remarks in Canvas to the hand-in set: updated with r-is-not-the-antiderivative-of-R
  • Draft problems for the seminar week after the hand-in. Hope to get things covered next Wednesday ... or Thursday, see above
  • A Canvas quiz to get you set on vector basics. 
    • Would you like to have something similar for matrices?
    • How is this format compared to videos? 
      (I'd guess it is better for "basics" like this than for longer problems.)

Gosh. Five hours since lecture and I haven't even done anything but Math 2 (including, fighting Canvas) today. 

- Nils

Published Oct. 10, 2019 5:19 PM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2019 5:19 PM