As agreed upon yesterday, I …

As agreed upon yesterday, I have assigned an extraordinary problem set, namely the spring exam 2011, and an extraordinary lecture: Wednesday 11th at 0915 (not 0815) to review it -- there will be no new topics covered that hour, so it should rather be counted a 'seminar' than a lecture.

Also, there will be a voluntary term paper submission: Submit either that one (i.e. spring 2011) or autumn 2007. Please spend two minutes reading the following:

  • It is voluntary to submit anything at all. It will not enter any official record whether you have submitted it, or if you did, any assessment on it. This is purely for feedback purposes.
  • I will not grade it completely, rather give feedback (like: inaccurate, off the mark, too brief justification, much longer than required for an exam).
  • As the purpose is to prepare for an exam, I do not see the point in writing any long beautiful calligraphic papers. Rather, I suggest that you allocate three hours, leave the problem set unseen until then, and try to write (by pen and paper!) an answer within that time frame.
  • I'd like to collect them Thursday the 19th. If submitted later, I will still have a look at it when I have time.

I therefore suggest that you do things in the following order:

  • do the spring 2011 set before April 11th. Do not submit then though;
  • then do the problems for the April 17th/18th seminar (to be posted) -- you will need some practice on Kuhn--Tucker for the autumn 2007 set.
  • then do the autumn 2007 set
  • then decide on which one to get feedback on, and submit it to me.

The April 19th due date is a soft limit, so if for example you want to attend the seminar on the 18th before even touching the autumn 2007 problems, you could submit later -- but then you might get it back later as well.

Published Mar. 30, 2012 3:58 PM - Last modified May 28, 2012 6:57 PM