A few messages: Seminars : …

A few messages:


  • May 1st is a public holiday, so there are no seminars this week. The last seminar is 8th/9th of May.
  • Problems will be posted. In the meantime, I suggest that you pick review problems from Arne Str?m's sets from spring 2011, starting at the last (seminar #11).
  • However, problems for the last seminar will include problem 31, and also the "3, alternative II" problem at the end of the first page of this problem set from fall 2011 .


  • I've had no feedback to my suggestion of lectures 3rd and 23rd, so that's the decision.
  • Thursday the 3rd is review, and I've been asked to give more attention to the envelope theorem and Kuhn--Tucker.
  • Thursday the 3rd I will also draw the infamous Akademika giftcard ;)
  • Also I will return to you, annotated, the term papers submitted to me on the 19th. (If others were submitted later, I have not yet seen them).
  • For Wednesday 23rd I will put up the autumn 2011 exam, or at least most of it. Although it is posted now, I suggest again that you leave it untouched until you can allocate 3 hours.

- Nils

Published Apr. 30, 2012 1:11 AM - Last modified May 28, 2012 6:57 PM