Questions? We are available.

Alice and myself (Nils) will be available for your questions.  Our offices are both on the 12th floor, near the elevators, opposite sides.  We cannot guarantee to be in the office at all times, but you are free to knock at whatever hours (please, disregard any “consultation hours” which may have been posted) – or, send an e-mail if you want to be more sure that anyone is actually there.  

I do recommend that you try to sort out where you are stuck before asking – because you learn from it.  If you try to identify what parts you can solve, and where your troubles start, you are much better set.  (Also, try to get it down to a “gap” – “when I learn this, then I can likely do the rest of it”.)

– Nils

Published May 22, 2013 4:49 PM - Last modified May 22, 2013 4:50 PM