About the exam: open book, language, etc.

  • The exam problem set will be handed out in both Norwegian AND English to everyone. 
    Yes the course web site (not the semester site) says English, which is the formal rule - but the set will be in in both languages. (It is likely to change some time in the future, but not now.)
  • Remember the new regulations on calculators, see the course web site.
  • Remember also that the exam in ECON3120/4120 is an "open book" exam, meaning that you are allowed to use all printed or written material, i.e. books, notes (your own or others'), old problem solutions, etc.
    (That is not to say that the desks will have as much space as you could want - that is totally out of our hands.)
  • Write legibly. You must show your work. Not disguise it. 
    (And if you consider masking the parts you don't know behind undecipherable handwriting: c'mon, any grader knows that trick already.)

Availability before the exam: limited, unfortunately. Try Ola by mail (it does not hurt to Cc me either, but I am even less available).  Wednesday from lunchtime we are away at at Department seminar.

Good luck!

Published June 6, 2018 12:22 AM - Last modified June 6, 2018 12:22 AM