The review session Tue 29th: 1415-17

The TL;DR version:
Three hours allocated to the review session. Ca. 1415: the autumn 2017 exam; ca. 1515: "course in a nutshell"; ca. 1615: the spring 2012 exam ("the rest of the last seminar")

Longer version: 
The seminar leaders reported back that they did not have time to do more than parts of the last seminar problems - and they did different parts.  
We think that it would be a good idea that everyone has had the chance to have those exams reviewed, in particular the autumn 2017 (if you did not spot the similarities between that exam and your term papers, you should definitely pay attention!).  
So with three parts to consider ("nutshell", half the seminar and the other half of the seminar) we expanded the session from two to three hours.  In case some of you might want to skip what you have already seen in the seminar, we put those at the beginning and the end, so that you can either arrive an our late or leave one hour early. 

  • First, the autumn 2017 exam; if you think you know that perfectly well (e.g. after Simon's seminar), you can show up at 1515, but beware that what I (Nils) spent most time on during the first hour, might be taken very light for the second hour. 
  • Then, the "nutshell" thing, though being light on what was stressed most during the first session. 
  • Finally, Maria will cover the spring 2012 exam that Simon had to cut from his last seminar - essentially, that means she will prepare to repeat her last seminar session (though in brief, given the time constraint). If you think you know that part perfectly well already (e.g. after having attended that one), then you might leave early. 
Published May 22, 2018 1:54 PM - Last modified May 22, 2018 4:32 PM