Evaluation; review lecture ... and Matlab?

The evaluation form is up, as announced in class. In order to reach those who attend seminars only, the administration may send a mail to everyone. 

I routinely put up a review session at the end, covering, inter alia, the last ordinary exam which I will publish in the folder fairly soon; that review will be after the last ordinary teaching, if it can be fit to schedule. Yikai or possibly Eric may discuss time with you. 

Eric got a request for a little bit of teaching on software. Just like the complex numbers, I think that is something that should not take "ordinary" teaching time. Then the review lecture is also "bonus" in addition to what is allocated. So here is my suggestion:

  • If we can fit a review lecture, then Eric can spend a bit of time on a seminar introducing you to ... Matlab, likely. 
  • That could mean more leftovers from the seminar - that can be covered in the review lecture. 

Thoughts? Let G?ril know just after Easter.

Published Apr. 5, 2017 6:57 PM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2017 6:58 PM