Important! Correction to the syllabus …

Important! Correction to the syllabus Unfortunately there has been a mix-up in the list of chapters that should be read from the fourth edition of Romer's book. The following parts of chapter 12 should be there: 12.1-12.5, 12.8-12.10. There is also a minor correction in chapter 9. The correct list for this chapter should read: 9.1-9.2,9.6, 9.9-9.10. The list of chapters from the third edition is correct. I am sorry for the mix-up and hope it has not caused too much trouble.

The syllabus that you find under "Lectures" has been updated with the correct chapter numbers. I have also made a distinction between the publications that contain the core curriculum and the supplementary articles. From the latter you are expected to extract the main points and gain increased understanding of parts of the core. AR (corrected)

Published Sep. 28, 2011 10:56 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2011 11:27 AM