Seminar presentations now on the web - Important exam info in this message

The seminar presentations have been uploaded. The seminar 1 package includes the NB and Fed presentations given at seminar 5. The seminar 2 package is updated to seminar 4 only. I will update the packages right after the seminars on 2, 7 and 10 May.

NB: Being the authors of the presentations you have formed parts of your own exam material. Based on these presentations an exam question will be born. This question will present a hypothetical situation where you will take on the role as a central banker who, based on the information presented, will have to write a short essay (minimum 3 and maximum 5 pages) with a recommendation to the Governor. The essay will be given around 20 % weight on the exam.

How to prepare for the exam from these great presentations? Work in groups, scroll through the slides to get a good overview of the happenings. Discuss what you think may have been up for discussion at the meetings.

Published Apr. 24, 2013 9:48 AM