Lecture plan ECON4921 Fall 2011

Week Date Topic Readings Seminar
34 22.08.2011 Introduction, What are institutions; Institutions and economic performance North 1994, Hall and Jones 1999
North and Thomas 1973
35 29.08.2011 No lecture    
36 05.09.2011 Institutions and economic performance

Hall and Jones 1999, Acemoglu et al. 2001
Albouy 2011

37 12.09.2011 Understanding institutions: Property rights Acemoglu and Johnson 2005,North and Weingast 1989
Fisman (2001)
Seminar 1:
Empirical techniques
38 19.09.2011 Understanding institutions: Democracy and commitment Acemoglu and Robinson 2000  
39 26.09.2011 Bad institutions Engerman and Sokoloff 1997, Shleifer and Vishny

Seminar 2:
Understanding institutions

40 03.10.2011 Bad institutions Acemoglu et al. 2011  
41 10.10.2011 Complementartity of institutions Barth and Moene 2011
Lind 2005
Seminar 3:
Bad institutions
42 17.10.2011 Agency: Bureaucracies Moene 1986  
43 24.10.2011 Agency: Politicians Besley et al. 2010 Seminar 4:
Complementary institutions and bureaucratic agency
44 31.10.2011 Organization of the firm Coase 1937, Alchian and Demzets 1972, Moene 2004  
45 07.11.2011 Organization of the firm: Cooperatives Craig and Pencavel 1992, Moene and Wallerstein 1993, Sen 1965
Ward 1958
Seminar 5:
Bureaucratic agency and employment relations
46 14.11.2011 Organization of the firm: Unions Moene and Wallerstein 1993, Moene, Wallerstein, and Hoel 1993 Seminar 6:
Employment relations and organization of the firm
47 21.11.2011 Summary and review    


Links to articles can be found on the syllabus page. Readings in italics are optional papers mentioned in class

Published Aug. 26, 2011 1:33 PM - Last modified May 19, 2022 11:20 AM