Semester page for ECON5150 - Autumn 2005

There will be an extra seminar on Thursday 8 Dec, 14.15-16.00 in room 1247. We will look at the following exercises and problems from Taylor and Karlin: Exercises III.4.3, III.4.5, III.4.7 on pp. 128-129; exercises IV.4.2 and IV.4.3 on p. 255; problems IV.4.1 and IV4.2 on p. 256. I will also try to answer questions on this and other topics in this course. Arne Str?m

Dec. 5, 2005 3:48 PM

Remember that for the exam in this course you are allowed to use all printed or written resources (books, notes, etc.) as well as pocket calculators. Arne Str?m

Nov. 28, 2005 2:25 PM

For the seminar on Friday 9 September: Drop problem 9-06(c). K. Syds?ter

Nov. 28, 2005 10:10 AM