
Required Reading

Schon, D.A.: The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, 1995. Ashgate Publishing.

Block, P. : Flawless Consulting - A guide to getting your expertise used, 2000. Pfeiffer/Wiley.

Recommended Reading, Organizational

Furnham, A. : The Psychology of Behaviour at Work, 2006. Psychology Press.

Clegg, S.R., Hardy, C. & Nord, W.R. : Handbook of Organization Studies., 1996. Sage.

Deutsch, M. & Coleman, P.T.: The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice, 2000. Jossey-Bass.

Dawson, P.: Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemoprary Experience of People at Work., 2003. Sage.

Schein, E.H. : Process Consultation Revisited., 1999. Addison-WelseyProcess .

Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. & Nelson, R.R. : The Oxford Handbook of Innovation., 2005. Oxford. .

Schabracq, M.J., Winnibust, J.A.M. & Cooper, C.L. : The Handbook of Work & Health Psychology., 2003. Wiley.

Mintzberg, H.: Mintzberg on Management - Inside our strange world of organizations, 1989. The Free Press.

Goleman, D.: Primal Leadership - Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, 2002. Harward Business School Press.

Argyris, C. & Schon, D.A.: Organizational Learning II - Theory, Method and Practice, 1999. Addison-Wesley.

Maccoby, M.: What Have We Learned about Participation? Professor Einar Thorsrud Memorial Paper, Oslo 21 November 1995, 1995.

Sundstrom, E.: Supporting Work Team Effectiveness - Best management practices for fostering high performance, 1999. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Maccoby, M.: The Productive Narcissist - The Promise and Peril of Visionary Leadership, 2003. Broadway.

Goleman, D. et al.: Harvard Business Review on What Makes a Leader, 2001. Harvard Business School Press.

Argyris, C.: Overcoming Organizational Defences - Facilitating Organizational Learning, 1990. Prentice Hall.

Maister, D.H.: Managing the Professional Service Firm, 1993. Free Press.

Recommended Reading, Industrial

Norman, D.: Emotional Design - Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, 2004. New York: Basic Books.

Norman, D.A.: The Design of Everyday Things, 1988. Basic Books.

Hoff/Bj?rkli : Article collection for the course Psy 2403: Human Technology Interaction, 2006.

Vicente, K.: Cognitive Work Analysis. Toward Safe, Productive, and Healthy Computer-Based Work, 1999. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Vicente, K. : The Human Factor – Revolutioning the way people live with technology, 2004. Routledge.

Dekker, S.W.A. : Ten Questions About Human Error – A New View of Human Factors and System Safety, 2005. LEA.

Dekker, S.W.A.: The Field Guide to Human Error Investigations, 2002. Ashgate.

Slovic, P.: The Perception of Risk, 2000. Earthscan Publications.

Kuniavsky, M.: Observing the User Experience – A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research, 2003. Morgan Kaufmann.

Cold, B, Kolstad, A. & Larss?ther, S. : Aesthetics, Well-being and Health – Abstracts on theoretical and empirical research within environmental aesthetics, 1998. Norsk Form.

Published Oct. 25, 2005 2:37 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2005 12:20 PM