Syllabus/achievement requirements Spring 2020

Course materials are comprised of a monograph, a compilation of texts (compendium), and online articles.

You can buy the required book from Akademika Blindern bookstore, or  purchase through online booksellers such as Required book can also be borrowed from the University Library (provided the item is held).

"Kopiutsalget” on the lower level of Akademika Blindern bookstore, sells course materials such as compendia. You will be required to show your UiO student ID and semester card prior to your transaction. If course material is out of stock, please contact the department asap in the semester in order for us to re-order.

If you are away from campus and want to access online articles with UiO subscription, go to Easier off-campus access


@ Riles, Annelise. 2018. Financial citizenship: Experts, publics and the politics of central banking. Cornell University Press [120 pages]

Suggested reading (optional): @ Mollona, Massimiliano. 2009. Made in Sheffield. An ethnography of industrial work and politics. Oxford: Berghahn. [214 pages]

Compendium and online articles

1. A global economy: World changes in our predicament

Scheper-Hughes. 2000. The global traffic in human organs. Current Anthropology, 41(2): 191-224. [35 pages]. LibKey

Nonini, Don. 2008. Is China becoming neoliberal? Critique of Anthropology, 28(2): 145-176. [32 pages]. LibKey

Shaxson, Nicholas. 2015. "Welcome to nowhere: An introduction to offshore". In: Treasure islands: Uncovering then damage of offshore banking and tax havens. London: Bodley Head, pp. 11--34. [23 pages] COMPENDIUM

2. Working: Getting and keeping a job and a life

Willis, Paul. 2000 (1978). Learning to labour: How working class kids get working class jobs. Chapter 4: “Labour power, culture, class and institution”, London: Routledge, pp. 89-117. [30 pages] COMPENDIUM

Gill, Tom. 2001. Globalization and social change in contemporary Japan. Chapter: “Yoseba and ninpudashi: Changing patterns of employment on the fringes of the Japanese economy”, pp. 123-143. [21 pages] COMPENDIUM

Federici, Sylvia. 2014 (2004). (Excerpt from) The accumulation of labour and the degradation of women: Constructing “difference” in the “transition to capitalism”. In: Caliban and the witch: Women, the body and primitive accumulation. Brooklyn: Autonomedia, pp. 82-132. [51 pages]. eBook

3. Work activities: Industry, services, time

Michael Burawoy. 1979. Manufacturing consent: Changes in the labour process under monopoly capitalism. University of Chicago Press. Chapter 4 “Thirty years of making out”, pp. 46-77. [31 pages] COMPENDIUM

Stein, Felix. 2018. "Selling speed - management consultants, acceleration and temporal angst". PoLAR - The Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 40(1): 103-117. [16 pages] ORIA

Parry, Jonathan. 1999. "Lords of labour: Working and shirking in Bhilai". Contributions to Indian sociology. 33(1-2): 107-140. [24 pages]. LibKey

4. Inequality: Class in and out of work  

Lazar, Sian and Sanchez, Andrew. 2019. "Understanding labour politics in an age of precarity", Dialectical Anthropology, 43(1): 3-14. [13 pages] ORIA

Kasmir, Sharryn and Lesley Gill. 2018. "No Smooth Surfaces: The Anthropology of Unevenness and Combination", Current Anthropology,  59(4): 355-377 [23 pages]. LibKey

Argyrou, Vassos. 1996. Tradition and modernity in the Mediterranean. Chapter 5: “Distinction and symbolic class struggle”. Cambridge University Press, pp. 111-153. [42 pages] eBook

5. Wealth: Accumulation, inheritance, accounting

Rakopoulos, Theodoros & Rio, Knut. 2018. "Introduction to an anthropology of wealth". History and Anthropology 29(3): 1-17.  [18 pages]. ORIA

Piketty, Thomas. 2014. "Response to HAU Book symposium on Piketty, Thomas, Capital in the 21st century". Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 5(1): 517–527. [11 pages]. ORIA

Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2018. "How the Big Four got big: Audit culture and the metamorphosis of international accountancy firms". Critique of Anthropology, 38(3): 303-324. [24 pages] LibKey

6. The firm: The social life of companies

Yanagisako, Sylvia Junko. 2013. "Transnational Family Capitalism: Producing ‘Made in Italy’ in China.” chapter in Vital Relations: Modernity and the Persistent Life of Kinship, edited by Susan McKinnon and Fenella Cannell. Santa Fe: SAR Press, pp. 63-84. [22 pages]. eBook

Brown, Hannah, Adam Reed and Thomas Yarrow, 2017.  "Introduction: Towards an ethnography of meeting", Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 23(1): 10-26. [17 pages]. LibKey

Welker, Marina, Damani J. Partridge, and Rebecca Hardin. 2011. "Corporate Lives: New Perspectives on the Social Life of the Corporate Form", Current Anthropology, 52(3): S3-S16. [14 pages]. LibKey

7. Corporations: Personhood, citizenship, expansion

Comaroff, John and Comaroff, Jean. 2014. “Ethnicity, Inc.: On the affective economy of belonging”. Chapter in Corporations and citizenship, edited by Greg Urban, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 249-266. [17 pages] eBook

Miyazaki, Hirokazu. 2014. “Saving TEPCO: Debt, credit, and the “End” of finance in post-Fukushima Japan”. Chapter in: Corporations and citizenship, edited by Greg Urban, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press., pp. 127-142. [15 pages]  eBook

Foster, Robert, J. 2014. "Corporations as partners: ‘Connected capitalism’ and the Coca-Cola Company", PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 37(2): 246-258. [23 pages]. ORIA

8. Elites: Ethnography among difficult tribes

Marcus, George. 1986. Elites: ethnographic issues. Chapter: “Elite communities and institutional orders". School for Advanced studies, pp. 41-57. [16 pages] COMPENDIUM

Salverda, Tijo & Abbink, Jon. 2013. The Anthropology of Elites: Power, Culture, and the Complexities of Distinction, chapter 1, “Introduction: An anthropological perspective on elite power and the cultural politics of elites”, pp.1-29 [30 pages] eBook

Glucksberg, Luna. 2018. "A gendered ethnography of elites: Women, inequality and social reproduction", Focaal 81: 16-28. [23 pages] ORIA



Published Nov. 7, 2019 3:34 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2019 10:09 AM