Teaching - time and place


There will be two lectures of three hours and two lectures of two hours. The time below indicates the general period the lectures are given. Please see the detailed teaching plan for exact dates and times.

  • Monday 12:15 -15:00,?Auditorium 2?Eilert Sundts hus ( 19 October to 16 November)

Wenzel Geissler


Time schedule and planning of the seminar groups will be discussed in the first lecture. The seminar group will have two meetings of two hours.

Seminargruppe 0

Velg denne gruppen i Studentweb hvis du ikke kommer til ? f?lge seminarundervisning.

Seminar group 1

  • Wednesday 08:15 -10:00,?Undervisningsrom 2?Georg Sverdrups hus ( 21 October to 18 November)

Wenzel Geissler

Seminar group 2

  • Tuesday 12:15 -14:00,?Undervisningsrom 2?Georg Sverdrups hus ( 20 October to 17 November)

Wenzel Geissler

English group

This group is primarily for foreign students who cannot follow a Norwegian-language seminar. Other students may also participate. The plan of the seminar group will be discussed on the first lecture.

  • Wednesday 12:15 -14:00,?Undervisningsrom 2?Georg Sverdrups hus ( 21 October to 18 November)

Wenzel Geissler

Published Apr. 7, 2009 8:26 AM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2009 3:00 PM