
SOSANT2510 Natur og samfunn

@ b?ker som m? kj?pes eller l?nes p? biblioteket

@ Berkes, Fikret: Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management , 1999. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis . 209 sider .

@ Kalland, Arne og Tarjei R?nnow (red): Milj?konflikter: om bruk og vern av naturressurser , 2001. Oslo: Unipub . Foruten innledningen (av Kalland og R?nnow) er bidragene til Anne Magnuss?n, Anette Thiis-Evensen og Michael Hundeide pensum.

@ Griffith, David: The estuary's gift : an Atlantic Coast cultural biography, 1999. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press. Hele boka.

Artikkler i kompendium

Agrawal, Arun : Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge, 1995. Development and Change Vol. 26 . Sidene 413-439 (27 sider).

Brosius, J. Peter : ”Endangered Forest, Endangered People: Environmentalist Representations of Indigenous Knowledge” in R. Ellen, P. Parkes & A. Bicker (eds): Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformation. Critical Anthropological Perspective , 2000. Harwood Academic Publishers . Sidene 293-317 (24 sider).

Douglas, Mary & Aaron Wildavsky (eds) : "Risks are Hidden" i Risk and culture. An essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers, 1983. Berkeley: University of California Press . Sidene 16-28 + 200-201 (16 sider).

Headland, Thomas N : Revisionism in Ecological Anthropology, 1997 . Current Anthropology 38 (4) . Sidene 605 - 630 (26 sider).

Ingold, Tim : “The Temporality of the Landscape” i T.Ingold:The Perception of the Environment. Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill, 2000. London: Routledge . Sidene 189-208 (20 sider).

Rappaport, Roy A : “The Ritual Regulation of Environmental Relations among a New Guinea People” i Rappaport: Ecology, Meaning and Religion, 1979 . North Atlantic Books. Sidene 27-42. (16 sider).

Cashdan, Elisabeth: Territoriality among human forages: ecological models and an application to four Bushman groups, 1983. Current Anthropology 24. Sidene 47-66 (20 sider).

Dove, Michael R: “Local Dimensions of `Global’ Environmental Debates”. In Arne Kalland & Gerard Persoon: Environmental Movements in Asia , 1998. London:Curzon Press . Sidene 44-64 (20 sider) .

Feeny, David, Fikret Berkes, Bonnie J. McCay & James M. Acheson: The tragedy of the commons: Twenty-two years later, 1990 . Human Ecology 18(1) . Sidene 1-19 (19 sider).

Guha, Ramachandra : Radical American environmentalism and wilderness preservation: A Third World critique, 1989. Environmental Ethics 11 . Sidene 71-83 (13 sider).

Hardin, Garrett : The tragedy of commons , 1968. Science 16(2) . Sidene 1243-1248 (6 sider).

Kalland, Arne : `Making the unworkable workable: Guest fishing’ in Japanese coastal waters, 1991. Resource Management and Optimalization 18(3-4). Sidene 197-210 (14 sider) .

Pedersen, Poul : “Nature, religion and cultural identity: The religious environmentalist paradigm.” In O. Bruun and A. Kalland (eds), Asian Perception of Nature: A Critical Approach , 1995. London: Curzon Press. Sidene 258-276. (19 sider).

Roll-Hansen, Nils: Science, politics, and the mass media: On biased communication of environmental issues, 1994. Science, Technology & Human Values 19(3) . Sidene 324-341 (18 s).

Smith, Eric Alden and Mark Wishnie: Conservation and subsistence in small-scale societies, Annual Review of Anthropology 2 . Sidene 493-524 (32 sider).

Warren, Lynda M: "The precautionary principle: use with caution!" In K. Milton (ed.), Environmentalism. The View from Anthropology, 1993. London: Routledge . Sidene 97-111(15 sider).

White, Lynn, jr: The historical roots of our ecological crisis, 1967. Science 155(3767) . Sidene 1203-1207 (6 sider).

Conklin, Beth A. and Laura R. Graham: The Shifting Middle Ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-Politics, 2000. American Anthropologist Vol 97 (4) . Sidene 695-710 (16 sider).

Published May 19, 2005 4:25 PM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2005 2:44 PM