

Form?l: Foruten en grunnleggende innf?ring i antropologiske perspektiver p? forholdet mellom mennesker og natur (hvor det vil bli lagt vekt p? forholdet mellom natur som en kulturell kontruksjon og natur som noe fysisk konkret), vil studentene gjennom de valgte temaene presenteres for sentrale antropologiske sp?rsm?l som rasjonalitet, relativisme og representasjon.

Kurset best?r av to komponenter. En faghistorisk del vil ta opp de viktigste perspektivene som har preget antropologiske studier av v?rt forhold til natur: fra naturdeterminisme og kultur?kologi til strukturalisme og fenomenologi. Den andre delen tar, med utgangspunkt i ulike natursyn, for seg temaer og debatter som er sentrale ikke bare innen feltet ?natur og samfunn? men innen antropologien generelt:

? natur versus kultur (her vil vi trekke inn debattene om dualisme/monisme og om kj?nn i forhold til natur/kultur)

? oppfatninger av risiko og kausalitet

? lokal kunnskap (inkl. indigenous knowledge) versus vitenskap

? representasjoner av ?de andre? - the noble/ignoble savage

B?ker merket med @ m? kj?pes p? Akademika eller l?nes p? biblioteket


Faghistorisk presentasjoner:

@Moran, Emilio F: Human adaptability: An introduction to ecological anthropology, 2000. Colorado: Westview Press. (kap.1,2,3,+10 = ca.100 sider.).

Artikler i kompendier:

Franklin, Adrian: "A New Anthropology of Nature" i Nature and Social Theory, 2002. London: Sage Publication. Sidene 60-82 (23 sider).

Barth, Fredrik : ”Ecologic Relationships of Etnic Groups in Swat, North Pakistan” i American Anthropologist Vol.58, 1956. Sidene 1079-1089 (11 sider).

Conklin, Harold: “An Ethnoecological Approach to Shifting Agriculture” i A.P.Vayda (ed): Environment and Cultural Behavior. Ecological Studies in Cultural Anthropology, 1969 (1954). New York: Natural History Press. Sidene 221-233 (13 sider) .

Douglas, Mary: “Anomalous Animals and Animal Metaphors” i M.Douglas: Thought Styles, 1996. London: Sage Publication. Sidene 126-144. (19 sider).

Ingold, Tim : “The Temporality of the Landscape” i T.Ingold:The Perception of the Environment. Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill, 2000. London: Routledge. Sidene 189-208 (20 sider).

Okely, Judith: “Visualism and Landscape: Looking and Seeing in Normandy” i Etnos 66(1), 2001. Sidene 99-120. (22 sider).

Pálsson, Gísli : “Enskilment at Sea” i Man 29(4), 1994. Sidene 901-927 (27 sider).

Rappaport, Roy A : “The Ritual Regulation of Environmental Relations among a New Guinea People” i Rappaport: Ecology, Meaning and Religion, 1979. North Atlantic Books. Sidene 27-42. (16 sider).

Steward, Julian : “The Great Basin Shoshonean Indians: An Example of a Family Level of Sociocultural Integration,” i Theory of Cultural Change, 1955. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Sidene 310-330 (21 sider).


1. Natur versus kultur

Howell, Signe: “Nature in Culture or Culture in Nature? Chewong ideas of `Humans’ and other species” i P. Descola & G. Pálsson (eds): Nature and Society. Anthropological Perspectives, 1996. London: Routledge. Sidene 127-144 (18 sider).

Kalland, Arne & Pamela Asquith. : “Japanese perceptions of nature: Ideals and illusions” i P. Asquith & A. Kalland (eds): Japanese Images of Nature. Cultural Perspectives, 1997. London: Curzon Press. Sidene 1-35 (35 sider).

Ortner, Sherry B: “Is Female to Male as Nature to Culture?” in M.Z. Rosaldo & L. Lamphere (eds): Woman, Culture and Society, 1974. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Sidene 67-87 (21 sider).

Strathern, Marilyn: “No Nature, No Culture: the Hagen case” i C. MacCormack & M. Strathern (eds): Nature, Culture and Gender, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge Univerity Press. Sidene 174-222 (49 sider).

Merchant, Caroline : ”Ecofeminism” i Mercahnt: Radical Ecology. The Search for a Livable World , 1992. London & New York: Routledge. Sidene 183-210 (28 sider).

2. Risiko og kausalitet. Lokal kunnskap versus vitenskap

Agrawal, Arun: “Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge" i Development and Change Vol. 26, 1995. Sidene 413-439 (27 sider).

Douglas, Mary & Aaron Wildavsky (eds) : "Risks are Hidden" i Risk and culture. An essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers, 1983. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sidene 16-28 + 200-201 (16 sider).

Freeman, Milton M.R. : “Appeal to tradition: Different Perspectives on Arctic Wildlife Management” i J. Br?sted, J. Dahl, A. Gray, H.C. Gull?v, G. Henriksen, J.B. J?rgensen and I. Kleivan (eds): Native Power. The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples, 1985. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . Sidene 265-281 (17 sider).

Good, Byron J: "Medical Anthropology and the Problem of Belief" i Medicine, Rationality, and Experience. kap. 1 i Medical anthropology and the problem of belief, 1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 1-24 (24 sider).

Luhrmann, Tanya M: “The resurgence of romanticism:” i K. Milton (ed): Environmentalism: The View from Anthropology, 1993. London:Routledge. Sidene 219-232 (14 sider).

Shaw, Rosalind: “'Nature', 'Culture’ and 'Disasters'. Floods and gender in Bangladesh” i E. Croll & D. Parkin (eds): Bush Base, Forest Farm: Culture, Environment and Development, 1992. London: Routledge. Sidene 200-217 (18 sider).

van Ginkel, Rob: “Pigs, Priests and other Puzzles: Fisherman's taboos in Anthropological Perspective" i , Ethnologica Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology Vol. 17. Sidene 57-68 (12 sider).

3. Representasjoner av de ?andre? ? ?the noble savage?

Brosius, J. Peter : ”Endangered Forest, Endangered People: Environmentalist Representations of Indigenous Knowledge” in R. Ellen, P. Parkes & A. Bicker (eds): Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformation. Critical Anthropological Perspective , 2000. Harwood Academic Publishers. Sidene 293-317 (24 sider).

Edgerton, R.B : “Paradise Lost. The Myth of Primitive Harmony” i Sick Societies: Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony, 1992. New York: Free Press. Sidene 1-15 (15 sider).

Headland, Thomas N: “Revisionism in Ecological Anthropology” i Current Anthropology 38 (4), 1997. Sidene 605 - 630 (26 sider).

Monografier (to velges)

Gold, Ann Grodzins & Bhoju Ram Gujar : In the Time of Trees and Sorrows. Nature, Power, and Memory in Rajasthan, 2002. Durham and London: Duke University Press. (403 sider).

Griffith, David: The Estuary`s Gift, 1999. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. (190 sider).

Henriksen, Georg : Hunters in the Barrens: the Naskapi on the edge of the white man?s world , 1973. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (130 sider).

Kawagley, A. Oscar: A Yupiaq Worldview. A pathway to ecology and spirit, 1995. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press. (166 sider).

Turnbull, Colin: The Mbuti Pygmies; Change and Adaption, 1983. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston. (161 sider).

Anbefalt litteratur:

Bech, Ulrich: Ecological Enlightment. Essays on the Politics of the Risk Society , 1995. New York: Humanities Press . Kap.5 Sidene 77-88 (12 sider. ).

Bird-David, Nurit : “`Animism’ revisited. Personhood, Environment, and Relational Epistemology” i Current Anthropology Vol.40 (Supplement), 1999. Sidene 67-79 (13 sider).

Broch, Harald Beyer: “Den ?kologiske `harmonimodell' sett i lyset av jegere og sankere, eller de s?kalte naturfolk” i Naturen No.3, 1977. Sidene 243-247 (5 sider).

Ellen, Roy F: ”What Black Elk left unsaid: On Illusory Images of Green Primitivism” i Anthropology Today 2 (4), 1986. Sidene 8-12 (5 sider).

Hinchliffe, S. og K. Woodward (eds): The Natural and the Social: Uncertainty, Risk, Change, 2000. London, New York: Routledge. (150 sider) .

Hviding, Edvard: “Nature, Culture, Magic, Science: On meta-language for Comparison in Cultural Ecology” i P. Descola & G. Pálsson (eds): Nature and Society, Anthropological Perspectives, 1996. London: Routledge. Sidene 165-184 (20 sider).

James, Allison : “Eating Green Discourses of Organic Food” i K. Milton (ed): Environmentalism: the View from Anthropology, 1993. London:Routledge. Sidene 205-218 (13 sider).

Kalland, Arne: “Indigenous knowledge: Prospects and limitations” i R. Ellen, P. Parkes & A. Bicher (eds): Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformations , 2000. Harwood Academic Publishers . Sidene 319-335 (17 sider).

MacCormack, Carol P : “Introduction” i C. MacCormack & M. Strathern (eds): Nature, Culture and Gender, 1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 1-24 (24 sider).

Redford, Kent H: “The ecologically noble savage”, 1990. Cultural Survival Quarterly 15(1). Sidene 46-48 (3 sider).

Sahlins, Marshall : “The Original Affluent Society” i Sahlins, M: Stone Age Economics , 1972. Chicago: Aldine. Sidene 1-39 (39 sider).

Sponsel, Leslie E. & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel : “The Potential Contribution of Buddhism in Developing an Environmental Ethic for the Conservation of Biodiversity” in L.S. Hamilton (ed): Ethics, Religion and biodiversity. Relations between conservation and cultural values, 1993. Cambridge: The White Horse Press. Sidene 75-97 (23 sider).

Stephens, Sharon : ”Chernobyl Fallout: A Hard Rain for the Sami” i Cultural Survival 11(2), 1987. Sidene 66-71 (6 sider).

Vayda, Andrew : ?Holisme and Individualisme in Ecologic Anthropology?, 1986. Rewiews in Anthropology. Fall. pp.295-313 (18 sider).

Vayda, A.P. & B. Walters. : ?Against Political Ecology.?, 1999. Human Ecology 27(1). pp.167-180 (14 sider).

White, Lynn jr. : ?The historical roots of our ecological crisis?, 1967. Science 155. pp. 1203-1207 (5 sider).

Published Nov. 22, 2004 3:09 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2004 3:29 PM