Syllabus/achievement requirements Autumn 2019

Course materials are comprised of a compilation of texts (Compendium) and online articles.

"Kopiutsalget” on the lower level of Akademika Blindern bookstore, sells course materials such as compendia. You will be required to show your UiO student ID and semester card prior to your transaction. If course material is out of stock, please contact the department asap in the semester in order for us to re-order. 

If you are away from campus and want to access online articles with UiO subscription, you can use UiO Network Services

Compendium (a compilation of texts)

Boellstorff, Tom. 2019. Rethinking Digital Anthropology, in H. Hearst and D. Miller, eds., Digital Anthropology, pp. 39–60. London: Bloomsbury. 

Frith, Jordan (2015) The infrastructure of locative media. In Jordan Frith: Smartphones as Locative Media, pp 27-44. Cambridge: Polity.

Goggin, Gerard (2011) Cell phones and the new media economies. In G. Goggin: Global Mobile Media, pp. 13-52. London: Routledge.

Kozinets, Robert V. (2015) Networked Sociality, chapter 2 in Netnography: Redefined, pp. 23-53. London: Sage.

Lee, Dong-Ho (2012) ‘In bed with the iPhone’: The iPhone and hypersociality in South Korea. In Larissa Hjorth et al. (eds.), Studying Mobile Media, pp 63-81. London: Routledge.

Ling, Richard and Birgitte Yttri (2002) Hyper-coordination via mobile phones in Norway. In: Katz, James E. and Mark A. Aakhus, eds., Perpetual Contact. Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, pp. 139–169. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lobato, Ramón and Julian Thomas (2014) Informal mobile economies. In G. Goggin and L. Hjorth, eds., The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media, pp. 114–122. 

McLuhan, Marshall (1964) The medium is the message. In M. McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, pp. 1–18.

Online articles

Castells, Manuel (2000) Toward a sociology of the network society. Contemporary Sociology, 29 (5): 693-699.

Dalsgaard, Steffen (2016) The Ethnographic Use of Facebook in Everyday Life. Anthropological Forum 26 (1): 96–114. ORIA

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2007) Stacking and continuity: On temporal regimes in popular culture. In Robert Hassan and Ronald Purser, eds., 24/7: Time and temporality in the network society, pp. 141–155. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ORIA

Farman, Jason (2018) Invisible and Instantaneous: Geographies of Media Infrastructure from Pneumatic Tubes to Fiber Optics. Media Theory Journal 2/1. ORIA

Gilbert, Juliet (2018) ‘They’re my Contacts, not my Friends’: Reconfiguring Affect and Aspirations Through Mobile Communication in Nigeria, Ethnos, 83 (2): 237-254. ORIA

Gillespie, M., Osseiran, S., & Cheesman, M. (2018). Syrian Refugees and the Digital Passage to Europe: Smartphone Infrastructures and Affordances. Social Media and Society. January-March 2018: 1 –12.

Goody, Jack and Ian Watt (1963) The consequences of literacy. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 5 (3): 304-345.

Horst, Heather and Daniel Miller (2012) The Digital and the Human: A Prospectus for Digital Anthropology, in H. Hearst and D. Miller, eds., Digital Anthropology, pp. 3–39. London: Bloomsbury. UCL-Anthropology

Ling, Rich and Chih-Hui Lai (2016) Microcoordination 2.0: Social coordination in the age of smarthphones and messaging apps. Journal of Communication, 66 (5): 834–856. ORIA

Madianou, Mirca and Daniel Miller (2012) Polymedia: Towards a new theory of digital media in interpersonal communication. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 16 (2): 169–187. ORIA

Mathews, Gordon, and Yang Yang (2012) How Africans Pursue Low-End Globalization in Hong Kong and Mainland China, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 41, 2: 95-120. 

Miller, Daniel (2018) Digital Anthropology. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (eds) F. Stein, S. Lazar, M. Candea, H. Diemberger, J. Robbins, A. Sanchez & R. Stasch. Pp 1-16

Miller, Daniel et al. (2017) How the World Changed the Social Media, Chapters 12–14, pp. 181–216. London: UCL Press. e-book

Pink, Sarah, Heather Horst, John Postill, Larissa Hjorth, Tania Lewis, and Jo Tacchi (2016) Ethnography in a Digital World. In Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practice, pp. 1–18. Los Angeles: Sage.

Pink, Sarah, Larissa Hjorth, and Heather Horst (2016) Tactile Digital Ethnography: Researching Mobile Media through the Hand. Mobile Media & Communication 4 (2): 237–51.

Postill, John (2016) Freedom technologies and the future of global justice. State of Power 2016: 148–163.  Amsterdam: Transnational Institute. TNI-org

Pype, Katrien (2016), ‘[Not] talking like a Motorola’: mobile phone practices and politics of masking and unmasking in postcolonial Kinshasa. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 22: 633-652. ORIA 

R?hneb?k, Maria (2012) Standardized Flexibility: The Choreography of ICT in Standardization of Service Work. Culture Unbound, 4: 679–698. ORIA

Seaver, Nick (2017) Algorithms as Culture: Some Tactics for the Ethnography of Algorithmic Systems, Big Data & Society 4 (2): 1–12.

Stensrud, Astrid B. (2017) Precarious Entrepreneurship: Mobile Phones, Work and Kinship in Neoliberal Peru. Social Anthropology 25 (2): 159–73. ORIA

Uimonen, Paula (2009) Internet, arts and translocality in Tanzania. Social Anthropology, 27 (3): 276–290. ORIA

Vokes, Richard & Katrien Pype (2018) Chronotopes of Media in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethnos, 83:2, 207-217. ORIA

Wajcman, Judy (2018) The digital architecture of time management. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(2): 315-337.

Watkins, Jerry, Larissa Hjorth & Ilpo Koskinen (2012) Wising up: Revising mobile media in an age of smartphones, Continuum, 26 (5): 665-668. ORIA 

Willems, Wendy (2019). ‘The politics of things’: digital media, urban space, and the materiality of publics. Media, Culture & Society, 1-18. ORIA

Further readings (not obligatory)

Published May 3, 2019 2:54 PM - Last modified June 25, 2019 9:58 AM