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Nedlastbare tidsskriftartikler og andre nedlastbare tekster er tilgjengelige gjennom Universitetsbibliotekets database for tidsskrifter eller lenkes opp i Fronter.

F?lgende b?ker m? kj?pes i bokhandelen: ?sterud 1994, Smith 2001, Smith 1998, Gellner, Kymlicka 1995.

Bakke, Elisabeth (1995): 'Mot ein Europeisk identitet?' i Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 4, 1995: 467–493. 25 s. K

Bakke, Elisabeth (1999a): 'A nationality policy framework', kap. 4 i Doomed to failure? The Czechoslovak nation project and the Slovak autonomist reaction 1918–1938. Oslo: Series of dissertations submitted to the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, No. 11/99. 20 s.

Brottveit, ?nund, Brit Marie Hovland & Olaf Aagedal (2004): ’17. mai-toget gjennom historia’, og ’Nasjonale symbol i m?te med EU’, i Slik blir nordmenn norske. Oslo: Unipax. (illustrasjonar er ikkje med i sidetalet) 44 s. K

Brubaker, Rogers (1996): "Rethinking nationhood: nation as institutionalized form, practical category, contingent event", Kap. 1 i Nationalism reframed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10 s. K

Christensen, Olav (1998): "En nasjonal identitet tar form", i ?ystein S?rensen (red.): Jakten p? det norske. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. 23 s. K

Coakley, John (2004): "Mobilizing the Past: Nationalist Images of History", i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 10:4, 531–560. 30 s.

Connor, Walker (2004): "The timelessness of nations", i Nations and Nationalism (vol. 10)1/2: 35–47. 13 s.

Dragojevi?, Mila (2005). 'Competing Institutions in National Identity Construction: The Croatian Case', i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 11:1, 61–87. 27s.

Gellner, Ernest (1998): Nasjonalisme. Oslo: Spartacus Forlag, Kap. 1–12 +16. 81 s.

Hobsbawm, Eric J. and Ranger, Terence (1992): The invention of tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, kap. 1 'Introduction. Inventing traditions'. 14 s. K

Hobsbawm, Eric J. (1992): Nations and nationalism since 1780. Programme, myth, reality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, kap. 2. 34 s. K

Hroch, Miroslav (1993): 'From national movement to the fully formed nation', i New Left Review 198: 3–20, London. 18 s.

Hroch, Miroslav (1996): 'Specific features of the nation-forming process in the circumstances of the "small nation",' i ?ystein S?rensen (red.): Nationalism in Small European Nations, KULTs skriftserie nr. 47, NFR. 22 s. K

Hroch, Miroslav (2010): Comments, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 38:6, 881-890. 10 s.

Hylland Eriksen, Thomas (2007): "Nationalism and the Internet", i Nations and Nationalism 13 (1), 2007, 1–17. 17 s.

Kymlicka, Will (1995): Multicultural citizenship. Oxford: Clarendon Press, kap. 2, 5, 6 80 s.

Mann, Michael (1995): "A political theory of nationalism and its excesses", Kap. 4 i Sukumar Periwal (red): Notions of nationalism. Budapest: Central European University Press. 20 s. K

Miller, David (1995): On nationality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, kap. 4 , 38s. K

Miller, David (1996): "On nationality", i Nations and Nationalism 3, 1996: 409-20 12 s.

Seip, Anne-Lise (1998): "Det norske ”vi” – kulturnasjonalisme i Norge", i ?ystein S?rensen (red.): Jakten p? det norske. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. 16 s. K

Semb, Anne Julie (2005): "Sami self-determination in the making?", i Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005: 539-549, 18 s.

Smith, Anthony D. (1998): Nationalism and modernism. A critical survey of recent theories of nations and nationalism. London & New York: Routledge, kap. 4, 6, 8 81 s.

Smith, Anthony D. (2001): Nationalism. Theory, ideology, history. Oxford: Polity. Kap 1–4. 82 s.

Stordahl, Vigdis (1997): "Samene: Fra ?lavtstaaende race? til ?urbefolkning?", i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Flerkulturell forst?else. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug, side 139–52, 14 s. K

S?rensen, ?ystein (1997): "Nasjon og nasjonalisme", i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Flerkulturell forst?else. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug, side 108–21. 14 s. K

Triandafyllidou, Anna (2008): "Popular perceptions of Europe and the Nation: the case of Italy", i Nations and Nationalism 14 (2), 2008, 261–282. 22 s.

Troch, Pieter (2010): "Yugoslavism between the world wars: indecisive nation building", Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 38:2, 227-244. 17 s.

Wimmer, Andreas (2011): "A Swiss anomaly? A relational account of national boundary-making", Nations and Nationalism 17 (4), 2011, 718–737 20 s.

?zkirimli, Umut & Steven Grosby (2007): "Nationalism Theory Debate: The Antiquity of Nations?", i Nations and Nationalism 13 (3), 2007, 523–537. 15 s.

?sterud, ?yvind (1994): Hva er nasjonalisme? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, Kap.1–2, 4–6, 8–9. 101 s.

Samla pensum: 939 s.


Tidsskrifta Nations and Nationalism, National Identities, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics – tilgjengelege via Bibliotekets heimesider under “finn e-tidsskrift (x-port)” til h?gre p? sida. ? Sj? s?rleg Nations and Nationalism 1/2004. Special Issue. History and National Destiny: Ethnosymbolism and its critics.

Nyare tilleggslitteratur

Albertazzi, Daniele. 2006. ''Back to our roots' or self-confessed manipulation? The uses of the past in the Lega Nord's positing of Padania',i National Identities,8:1,2139

Bader, Veit. 2007. 'Defending Differentiated Policies of Multiculturalism',i National Identities, 9:3, 197–215.

Barry, Brian. 2001. Culture & equality. Cambridge: Politi Press.

Berghe, Pierre van den (2002): Multicultural democracy: can it work? i: Nations and Nationalism (vol. 8) 4: 433–449.

Coakley, John (red.). 2003. The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict. London: Frank Cass.

Cram, Laura. 2009a. Identity and European integration: diversity as a source of integration, i Nations and Nationalism 15 (1), 2009, 109–128.

Cram, Laura. 2009b. Introduction: banal Europeanism: European Union identity and national identities in synergy, i Nations and Nationalism 15 (1), 2009, 101–108.

Elgenius, Gabriella. 2011. The politics of recognition: symbols, nation building and rival nationalisms, Nations and Nationalism 17 (2), 2011, 396–418.

Hroch, Miroslav (1996): Nationalism and national movements: comparing the past and the present of Central and Eastern Europe, i: Nations and Nationalism 1, 1996: 35–44.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2000. Social preconditions of national revival on Europe: A comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations. New York: Columbia University Press.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2004. From ethnic group toward the modern nation: the Czech case, i Nations and Nationalism (vol. 10)1/2: 95–108.

Hroch, Miroslav. 2005. Das Europa der Nationen. Die Moderne Nationsbildung im europ?ischen Vergleich. G?ttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht.

Karner, Christian. 2005. 'The 'Habsburg Dilemma' Today: Competing Discourses of National Identity in Contemporary Austria',i National Identities,7:4,409–432.

Kaufmann, Eric & Oded Haklai. 2008. Dominant ethnicity: from minority to majority, i Nations and Nationalism 14 (4), 2008, 743–767.

Koinova, Maria. 2009. 'Why Do Ethnonational Conflicts Reach Different Degrees of Violence? Insights from Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bulgaria during the 1990s', i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,15:1,84–108.

Leustean, Lucian N. 2008. Orthodoxy and political myths in Balkan national identities,i National Identities,10:4,421–432.

Male?evi?, Sini?a. 2011. The chimera of national identity, Nations and Nationalism 17 (2), 2011, 272–290.

Maxwell, Alexander. 2005. 'Multiple Nationalism: National Concepts in Nineteenth-Century Hungary and Benedict Anderson's “Imagined Communities”',i Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,11:3,385–414.

Maxwell, Alexander (2010): Typologies and phases in nationalism studies: Hroch's A-B-C schema as a basis for comparative terminology, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 38:6, 865-880.

Moore, Margaret. 2001. Normative justifications for liberal nationalism: justice, democracy and national identity, i: Nations and Nationalism 7 (1), 2001, 1–20.

O'Leary, Brendan. 2001. An iron law of nationalism and federation? i: Nations and Nationalism 7 (3), 2001, 273–296.

Panteli?, Bratislav. 2011. Memories of a time forgotten: the myth of the perennial nation, Nations and Nationalism 17 (2), 2011, 443–464.

Vassenden, Anders. 2010. Untangling the different components of Norwegianness, Nations and Nationalism 16 (4), 2010, 734–754.

Eldre tilleggslitteratur

a) Noreg

Bakke, Elisabeth (2001): Spr?k og nasjonsforming i Noreg i eit europeisk perspektiv, i Elisabeth Bakke & H?vard Teigen (red.): Kampen for spr?ket. Oslo: Samlaget. Tilgjengeleg p?

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland & S?rheim, Torunn Arntsen (1999): Kulturforskjeller i praksis. Perspektiver p? det flerkulturelle Norge. Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo.

Lunden, K?re (1992): Norsk gr?lysning. Oslo: Det norske samlaget. S?rensen, ?ystein (red.) (1998): Jakten p? det norske. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

S?rensen, ?ystein (red.) (1998): Jakten p? det norske. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

b) Generelt

Anderson, Benedict (1991): Imagined communities. London: Verso (finst ogs? p? norsk).

Bakke, Elisabeth (1999b): Det vanskelege nasjonalismeomgrepet, i M?l og makt 3/1999: 24–27. Lenke

Calhoun, Craig (1997): Nationalism. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Deutsch, Karl W. (1966): Nationalism and social communication. An inquiry into the foundations of nationality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M.I.T. Press.

Dussen, Jan van der & Wilson, Kevin (eds) (1995): The history of the idea of Europe (What is Europe?). London: Routledge.

Gellner, Ernest (1983): Nations and nationalism. Oxford: Blackwell.

Gellner, Ernest (1996): Do nations have navels? i Nations and Nationalism 3, 1996.

Greenfeld, Liah (1992): Nationalism. Five roads to modernity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Hayes, Carlton (1948): The historical evolution of modern nationalism. New York: The Macmillan Company.

Horowitz, Donald L. (1985): Ethnic Groups in Conflict. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hroch, Miroslav (1985): Social preconditions of national revival in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hutchinson, John (1994): Modern nationalism, London: Fontana Press.

Kedourie, Elie (1993): Nationalism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Kohn, Hans (1944): The Idea of Nationalism. New York: The Macmillan Company.

McGarry, John & O'Leary, Brendan (1993): The politics of ethnic conflict regulation. London: Routledge.

Renan, Ernest (1882): What is a nation? Forelesing ved Sorbonneuniversitetet, Paris, 11. mars 1882. Lenke

Smith, Anthony D. (1986): The ethnic origins of nations. Oxford & Cambridge: Blackwell.

Smith, Anthony D. (1991): National Identity. London:Penguin.

Smith, Anthony D. (1995): Nations and nationalism in a global era. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Smith, Anthony D. (1996): 'Nations and their past' + 'Reflections on Ernest Gellner's theory of nationalism' i Nations and nationalism 3, 1996.

?sterud, ?yvind (1984): Nasjonenes selvbestemmelsesrett. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Deutsch, Gellner (1983), Hayes, Kohn, Kedourie og Renan er klassikarar.

Published Oct. 3, 2012 3:38 PM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2012 6:14 PM