Course: Learn how to communicate your research

As a scientist, you are frequently asked or required to dissiminate or communicate your research. During this course you will learn good and effective ways to get your messages across.

Desk with books and a mug

Illustration: Colourbox


Learning how to communicate your research in a good way will help you with

  • Grant applications
  • Presentations
  • Informing about findings to relevant target groups or journalists



During this short course you will learn about the basic principles of science communication and practice these through writing a blog post about your own research. 

You may use this blog post for media or the faculty’s Medisinbloggen.

Course plan

This course consists of two sessions, each of two hours, and will be arranged at Domus Medica.

This course is aimed at

IMB scientists at the starting point of their career, whether you are a Ph.D-candidate, a postdoc, at the Medical Student Research Program or an Associate Professor. Feel free to contact us if you are not amongst these, as the course may also be useful for others.


This course is taught in English.

Sign up deadline

Nov. 7, 2022. No course fee for IMB employees or affiliated, or students at the Medical Student Research Program, but you are committed to participate once you’ve signed up. Minimum of 10 participants required to arrange this course.


Sign up here:



Communication advisers, Thomas Olafsen and Cecilie B. H?stmark
Published Oct. 12, 2022 2:02 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2022 2:02 PM