MED-nytt, no 20 – 2022

Read the Pro-Dean of Research's leader with a summary of the four-year period. Vote for your candidate for the faculty board election.


Bildet kan inneholde: briller, dagtid, smil, synsomsorg, menneskelig.Editorial: 
Jens Petter Berg cheers on MED

Read the Editorial by Pro-Dean for research, Jens Petter Berg's summary of his four-year period as research dean. A lot of exciting things have happened these years that have made him both impressed and proud.

Read the full editorial.


Benth, Andreassen, Mollnes og Hofman p? topplistenMED excels on the "top list" for 2021

According to Forskerforum's top list, statistician at Klinmed and Campus Ahus Jurate Saltyte Benth in 2021 tops the list of women in Norway who publish the most with 17th place overall of all researchers. Klinmed has two of the ten most publishing researchers on the list: Ole Andreassen was the best of UiO's researchers with his fifth place, Tom Eirik Mollnes in eighth place. Helsam also added a researcher to the list. B?rg Morten Hofmann is the tenth most published researcher in Norway. Read more and see the entire list in Forskerforum (in Norwegian).


Honorary award to Siri RostoftSiri Rostoft

She receives the award for her work in improving the treatment of elderly patients with cancer, and for being a pioneer in the field of geriatric oncology. Read more in Norwegian. The faculty management congratulates!

Contribution to WHO report on health skills

Astrid Klopstad Wahl, professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences at the University of Oslo, has given an expert opinion on the new WHO report on health skills, and is recognized in the report. Read more in Norwegian.


The medical students can take two years of study in Innlandetmedisinstudenter

In order to train more doctors, the University of Oslo (UiO) is investing in creating a new campus linked to Sykehuset Innlandet. The plan is to send 20 students a year to the new campus in Innlandet, starting in the spring of 2025. Ten will go there in the spring and another ten in the autumn of the same year. The faculty admits students twice a year. Read more in Norwegian.

Tigist AlemuMedical student won award for best scientific paper

Tigist Alemu, final year student at our professional education, has won the award for "Best scientific paper by a doctor in training" given by the Norwegian Urological Association and which was awarded at the recent Surgical autumn meeting. In connection with practical hospitalization during her education, she has both researched and worked at the urology department at OUS Aker hospital. Read more in this post from OUS (in Norwegian). The faculty management congratulates!

Support for innovative researchersforskere

Researchers at UiO who have identified a need in society for which they want to find a solution, or have a research result with value for the community, can apply for support for the development of ideas and concepts. Those who have progressed a little further in the process can apply for support for testing and further development of their innovation projects. 18 projects at UiO have this year received funding from the rector's office for the development of socially beneficial solutions. Ten of the projects supported belong to the MED faculty. Four of our projects received seed funding and six projects received innovation funding. The faculty management congratulates!

Read more and see who has received support here.

Information for employees

Management meetings

Lederforum 15 November

Minutes from the previous Faculty Board Meeting 8 November

Meetings for the University Board in 2022. Last meeting on 18 October. Upcoming meeting on 6 December. The meetings are streamed and are open to anyone who wants to follow along.


  • See all the important deadlines for applications for research funding under Funding opportunities.

  • Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis

  • Helselederprisen 2023 deles ut p? lederkonferansens f?rste dag av Ingvild Kjerkol, helse- og omsorgsminister og NSHs styreleder Anders Frafjord. Nominer din kandidat i dag.

  • Deadline for submitting applications for assessment of PhD theses before the Christmas holidays: Applications for assessment (dissertation and committee proposal) must be submitted by 11 November for the committee to be appointed before the Christmas holidays. The application must be complete. There will be no occasion to submit only committee proposals before the deadline and resubmit the thesis after the deadline, or vice versa." See overview of deadlines for Ph.D.

  • CRIStin: The deadline for registering periodicals, publishers and book series at level 1 to the Channel Register is 30 November.
    NB: In 2021, a new level was launched, level X. Level X is a new level for dubious journals and book publishers, where there is uncertainty about the quality of editorial routines. Read more about level X here..

  • University of Oslo: Life Sciences: Academic staff, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students in life sciences at the University of Oslo are welcome to apply for funding to strengthen collaborations with international research communitiesClosing date for applications: 1 December.

  • University of Oslo: Life Sciences: Academic staff and students at the University of Oslo are welcome to apply to University of Oslo: Life Sciences for funding to attend conferences and other open events. Successful applicants could receive up to NOK 50,000 and 50 per cent of the total amount.  Closing date for applications: 1 December.

  • ERC Consolidator Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Consolidator Grant. Deadline 2 February 2023.
  • University of Oslo: Life SciencesApply for admission to the SPARK Norway innovation programme Do you have an idea relating to life sciences that could resolve challenges linked to human or animal health? Apply for admission to the University of Oslo: Life Sciences innovation programme, SPARK Norway, to further develop your idea into new technology, treatments or services. Deadline: 10 November

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT.


Research news

You can also check out what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on FacebookTwitterLinkedin and Instagram.



Medisinbloggen: Can Wholemeal Bread Make You Happier?by Camilla Myrdal in Norwegian.

A diet rich in fiber provides a number of well-known health effects. Now it appears that fiber can also prevent depression.


Bildet kan inneholde: laboratorium, forsker, sikkerhetshanske, unders?kelser, kjemi.IMB: A blood protein can reduce brain damage after a stroke by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark

If you have a stroke, the protein FSAP may help to reduce the extent of paralyses and problems with speech. 


illustrasjon genetikkApollon: Gene research is changing the medicine of the future by Yngve Vogt in Norwegian. Medical genetics is becoming increasingly important to detect and treat serious diseases. To reach the goal, the medics need help from both molecular biologists, bioinformaticians and mathematicians.


Vessela Kristensen
Apollon: New genetic calculations reveal the risk of cancer by Yngve Vogt in Norwegian.
The probability that you will get cancer increases if you have certain combinations of several thousand gene variants.


Norment forskereApollon: Great genetic similarity between different mental disorders by Yngve Vogt in norwegian.

Mental disorders can be caused by a combination of many thousands of gene variants. The genetic overlap between the various disorders is very large.


Jukka CoranderApollon: The vaccine of the future against life-threatening and resistant bacteria, by Yngve Vogt in Norwegian. 

By studying all the genes in a bacterial species and how they change over time, it is possible to create better vaccines against life-threatening bacterial diseases.


Emma Maria Haapa|niemiApollon: Fixes rare diseases by cutting and gluing together genes, by Yngve Vogt in Norwegian.

In the future, doctors may use gene editing to treat patients with inherited immunodeficiency diseases.



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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Dec. 6, 2022 3:40 PM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2023 10:58 AM