Arnoldo Frigessi: "Supporting the AI revolution".

Arnoldo Frigessi (UiO, INTEGREAT) is department head at the Oslo University Hospital and professor of statistics at the University of Oslo. He is director of the Oslo Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology. He leads the centre for research based innovation BigInsight (, a consortium of partners from academia and the public and private sectors. From 2023, he will be the director of the centre of excellence Integreat- The Norwegian centre for knowledge-driven machine learning, funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Glasses, Smile, Vision care.

Supporting the AI revolution 

Sharing code is an essential part of the AI revolution. In addition to giving AI the speed that we see today, it allows to precisely understand the goal of the AI algorithm. The reward system used in training is a potential source of discrimination, beside bias in data. I discuss this technical issue in a simple way and argument why regulations should insist on transparency about the reward system used. I will argue that the revolution brought through AI is beneficial at certain conditions, while there is a conservative counter-revolution developing.

Published Oct. 25, 2023 4:21 PM - Last modified June 15, 2024 9:47 PM