Course 2 - Hybrid Lecture in an Auditorium and Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the use of Forelesningsopptak-2 and Zoom.

Hybrid Lecture Course, Wednesday 20 August 2020 at 01:00 PM.

A link to registration can be found below.

Target audience: Lecturers who want to conduct lectures in the auditorium and Zoom simultaneously.


  • You know how to use the program Forelesningsopptak-2
  • You know how to publish lecture recordings at a course page using Forelesningsopptak-2
  • You know how to publish a link to lecture recordings in Canvas

If you do not have the prerequisite knowledge, you should first attend Course 1 - Introduction to Digital Teaching.

Time: Ca. 60 minutes

Learning outcome: The course will provide an introduction to how a lecture can be held in an auditorium and through Zoom simultaneously. You will be shown how Zoom meetings are set up through Canvas and how the lecture is carried out using Zoom and Forelesningsopptak-2. You will also shown how to use some of Zooms features, such as screen sharing, chat, and user moderation. 

Registration: Register by filling in this form.


  • How to start Zoom and log in correctly
  • How to navigate Zoom's menu
  • How to add the Zoom-plugin in Canvas
  • How to set up a Zoom meeting using Canvas
  • How to start a Zoom meeting from Canvas and Zoom pages
  • How to record using Forelesningsopptak-2
  • How to share your screen and digital blackboard
  • How to use the chat and moderate users in the Zoom meeting

For security reasons we ask everyone to log in to Zoom with their UiO user.

You can learn more about how to find out if you are logged in with your UiO user, and if not, how to do so, here: /english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/help/check.html

NOTE: The email address you register with, and log in to Zoom with, must be in the format <UiO username> Instructions for installing and logging in to Zoom can be found here: /english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/zoom/help/install.html


Registration link:




Tags: forelesningsapp, course, forelesningsopptak, recording
Published Aug. 21, 2020 1:10 PM