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Check that you are using the full version of Zoom (UiO-Zoom)

All students and staff at UiO are licensed to use the full version of Zoom, where privacy and security are better than the free version of Zoom, and UiO has made key settings to further enhance security. It is important that everyone at UiO install Zoom and log in with UiO username and password.

To find out if you are using the full version of Zoom (UiO-Zoom):

Bilde av zoom-ikonet

1. Open Zoom. Zoom is an application you'll find in the same location as other applications on your device. The Zoom icon is round and blue, and has an image of a camera on it:

2. Click the profile button in the upper-right corner of the Zoom window that opens. The profile button may be marked with your initials, or have a picture of you, if you have added a picture.

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, font, skjermbilde, logo, datamaskinikon.

3. After clicking the profile button, a menu opens. Check the information at the top of the menu. If you are logged in with UiO username and password, the word ON-PREM or LICENSED will appear with your name and your username followed by @ will appear below. If this appears, as you see in the image, you are logged in correctly and you can continue to use Zoom.

Bilde som viser teksten LICENSED ?verst i profilmenyen

If something else appears at the top of the menu, you are not logged into the full version of Zoom with UiO username and password. Then select Sign out at the bottom of the menu and log in correctly.

Please see: How to log in with UiO username and password.


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Published May 20, 2020 12:35 PM - Last modified May 27, 2022 9:11 AM