Norwegian version of this page

Page Overview

This is a guide to the different pages on Brukerinfo. The headlines are divided by the top-level menu (i.e. the tabs towards the top of the page).


The account pages are for working with information associated with the account that is currently logged in. If you want to work with information belonging to a different account you own, you need to log in using that specific account.

Your account

On this page you can view the information associated with the account currently logged in. You can not change any of this information on Brukerinfo.

The following information is available:

  • Your account is active in the following system(s): Which data systems the account is available in. Normally this means that you can log into these systems with the account.
  • Your account has the following affiliation(s): What kind of affiliations this account has. For example if you are a student you typically have a STUDENT affiliation at the faculty you are studying at. Different affiliations gives access to different systems.

The Show details button lists even more information:

  • Shell: The shell you get when logging in to GNU/Linux. Different shells has different commands available and behaves differently. Probably only interesting for those that need specific behavior when using GNU/Linux. You can change the shell using bofh.
  • User id: The accounts id number. Used internally in cerebrum.
  • Description: The account owner.
  • Default group: Default group for this account. Files uploaded using this account will get this group as group owner.
  • Default group id: Internal id to the default group.
  • Disk_quota:  How much storage space is left on your home directory.
  • Home: Where the home directory is located.
  • Home status: Status of the home directory. Usually it states on_disk, which means everything is as it should be.

If you have any additional accounts, both active and deleted, their username and expire date is listed at the bottom.

Make account primary

At this page you can set the account you are currently logged in with as the primary account. This is relevant for some data systems that only use a single account per person. Only change primary account if you know what you are doing!

To change a different account you own to primary you need to log in with that account.


Here you can find some settings and info regarding your accounts email and webmail. The three tabs cover the following:

E-mail overview: Lists all the valid email addresses associated with this account and some of the related settings currently applied. You can also delete some of the non-required email addresses from this page.

Forwarding: As a student you can set a external address, e.g. a gmail or hotmail to receive a copy of all mails recieved by your UiO addresses. As mentioned this is only for students as it is forbidden by employees to have automatic email forwarding, due to security reasons.

Spam settings: Fine tune the internal UiO spam filters to your preference. You can find a more detailed write-up on the different spam settings here.



This page is for viewing which group(s) you are a member of and manage the groups you are a administrator or moderator of. You can find a guide on moderating groups here (Norwegian only).

You can also request the user administration at UiO to make a new group. There are guidelines for creating groups found in this guide to creating groups (Norwegian only). Please read them before requesting a new group.

Wireless accounts

With a wireless account you can give guests access to the eduroam wireless network. You can also view the active accounts you have created from here. Creating a wireless account is very straight forward, but does require the recipent to have a Norwegian phone number. Also keep in mind that the accounts have a limited time duration.



On this page you can view the information UiO has on you as a person. This includes:

  •  Name
  • Birthday
  • Affiliation
  • National ID number
  • Contact information

You may see duplicates of some of the information fields. That is because UiO retrieves the personal information from multiple different sources. Followingly since the information isn't directly from UiO itself it cannot be changed here at brukerinfo either. Rather, if you notice that something is incorrect you need to contact the right point.

You can however set which of the names UiO has retrieved you want as the display name. This is the name that will show up in the different systems across UiO, as well as dictate what your primary email address will be.

You can also set which of your affiliations is the primary one.


This is a list of guests thats registered at your department. You can only view the guests here. To manage and register new ones please go to the guest service.


Here you can opt out of different services, for example the forgotten password SMS service.



Some services from UiO are optional and has their own terms of service. From this page you can find links to and read what these terms are and either give or withdraw your consent. An example of such a service is the Google Workplace at UiO.


Published Mar. 26, 2024 12:34 PM - Last modified May 8, 2024 2:07 AM