Why choose this programme?

This program will have its last admission in fall 2022

Historically, religion has been a source of conflict in the form of oppressive systems, confrontational identity politics and gender discrimination. But religion has also been, and continues to be, a resource for personal formation, for resistance, and for building coexistence.

Theology may support conflict-oriented identity formation, or foster dialogue and interaction across societal and religious divides.

Highlighting the interaction between experience, religious tradition and theological reflection, and including both historical and contemporary perspectives, this two-year Master program offers a broad approach to diversity. The program investigates the connectedness between religious and other identities in pluralist societies. Lived experiences – for instance, with migration, conversion or gender discrimination – are part of the program’s analytical horizon.

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo has a wide-ranging expertise in historical studies, biblical studies, Islamic studies, interreligious studies, gender- and post-colonial studies, contemporary theology, and practical theology. Thematically, theoretically and methodologically, the program draws on all these competences.

The Faculty’s long-standing relations with researchers and academic institutions, also in the global South, will be an important resource for the program.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified June 17, 2022 3:00 PM